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Marinette was highly amused when Chat Noir's leather tail twitched irritably in the air the same way as Chat Blanc's while maintaining a serious eye contact.

They've been like that for half an hour already - him sitting on the bench while her pet on the rails - and quite adamant to win the useless cat fight. Who initiated the fight, the designer got no clue.

"You can't win a staring contest against a cat, Monsieur Noir." she admonished despite the irony.

"Oh yeah?" the feline hero sneered as he munched a bread. "Watch me."

With her partner's competitive streak, she knew this would prolong until dawn breaks.

Taking a deep breath, the girl stood up from her chair to pluck the white cat away from his line of sight then deposited it to her lap.

Both Chats whined in unison.


Marinette stuck her tongue out. "You're both getting ridiculous."

"Don't blame me. Blame that fellow." the hero pointed the animal with an accusatory look. "For his terrible cat-titude."

Instead of retorting, Chat Blanc decided to nuzzle his Master's warm thighs shamelessly with his butt tucked out to his nemesis.


She chuckled as she caressed her pet's fur. "Aren't you the immature one here? You're throwing a fit because my wonderful pet snubbed you."

"Excusez moi, your pet is anything but wonderful."

"What a rude mangy cat." Marinette rolled her eyes without breaking her ministrations. She smiled when Chat Blanc's rumbling purrs reverberated on her skin.

"I don't know why, but Chat was acting like this on certain people. And they were all blonds." the designer began, referring to her pet. "Maybe he sensed the cat in you, or maybe you have the same air as my classmate Chloe. Other than that, you must've reminded him of someone who probably abandoned him in the past."

Chat Noir stopped mid-chew at the revelation. He made an audible gulp then placed his half-consumed croissantson the plate.

"I don't have an idea. I'm sorry."

"Don't be." she waved her hand. "These are just speculations, and I haven't told anyone about it yet. Dr. Moshe, Chat's vet, shared with me some stories about rescues and how they ended up in streets."


Marinette glanced at her relaxed cat with a sigh. "Animals have emotions like us humans. And sometimes, us humans tend to forget about it and just leave them as we pleased."

"Humans do that to their fellow humans too." she heard his mutters but decided not to make a comment.

"Thank you for the ceramic pot." she eyed the plant near the balcony. "As you can see, my daisies survived and bloomed well."

The hero trailed his gaze towards the plant then smirked. "I'm re-leafed you lily like it."

"Ladybug is right." the designer groaned. "Your puns are incorrigible."

"My puns are claw-some." he objected with crossed arms. "You don't have a meow-velous taste to a-purr-eciate it, Princess."

She rolled her eyes indignantly. "Why do you always call me 'Princess', Chat?"

"Because you are a princess," he explained matter-of-factly. "You lived in a castle - "

"An apartment." she corrected.

Chat Blanc - a Miraculous Ladybug fanficWhere stories live. Discover now