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Marinette wasn't sure about cats and their antics of following their Masters around - both inside and outside the house.

She remembered how Chat Blanc cried outside her bathroom door when she locked it once, and another when she closed the shower curtain to take a bath. Not to mention that he was tagging along whenever she goes to school, the cat would even accompany her in delivering pastries.

If not for him, she might've died from an accident last month.

But then, his behavior was not always welcomed.

"No." the designer gave her mewling pet a beady eye. "You are not allowed inside a fabric shop, kitty. You might be sued for stealing some yarns there."

Chat Blanc meowed while ribboning himself around his Master's legs.

"Don't you dare give me that pleading look. It's not working."

He meowed again.

Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose. "Maman! Help me!"

Sabine poked her head from the kitchen and observed her daughter who was having a meltdown on their porch.

"Sorry, dear. I don't have the heart to put him in a cage." the Chinese woman said.

"But Maman, I can't bring him along with me." the pig-tailed girl whined. "Can you just lock him for a few minutes until I get out of here? Please?"

"You know it will end up badly, right?"

When Marinette once caged her pet and have her parents release him an hour after she left the premise, Chat Blanc immediately went out of the house and didn't return before dinner.

Tom had to contact the city pound for the missing cat; even Sabine had to ask their neighbors about Chat Blanc. That time, Marinette was with Alya, Nino, and Adrien for a movie night when she received a call from her frantic mother.

If not for her alter-ego, she will never find her cat hanging helplessly on a tree branch.

"Listen here, buddy." the girl knelt down and petted his head. "I'm going to a bazaar for a fabric warehouse sale. There's a lot of people there and it's going to be bloody. You might be crushed, or worse be catnapped by some humans. I will not be able to save you, mon chaton."

Chat Blanc meowed in response.

"Okay kitty, I don't speak cat languages, but let me tell you again - no."

Tom emerged from the stairs then chuckled at his daughter's dilemma.

"Let me pick him up, sweetie." the baker plucked the feline on the floor. "Say 'bye-bye' now to your Human."

"Please watch him, Papa." Marinette sighed as she kissed her father's cheek then another to her pet. "Hope the cherry pink linen is still in-stock."

"I'm sure it will. Be here before dinner, okay?"

"Will try."

Marinette tried not to wince when Chat Blanc cried as she closed the door and left. Once she rode the bus, she opened her pouch discreetly and met her kwami's sorry eyes.

"I feel bad for Chat, but we have to leave him for his own safety." Tikki soothed her. "We can bring him some cat toys and treats as an apology."

"You know Chat's logic - he would choose a cardboard than a €25 cat bed to sleep in." she chuckled.

It was early Sunday morning yet the plaza was already brimming with people. Some of the booths were not open yet while others were already re-stocking their displays.

Chat Blanc - a Miraculous Ladybug fanficWhere stories live. Discover now