The Last Day of Term

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~This chapter is kind of long, but I don't think you'll complain :) it's very good if I do say so myself~

When I had my fill of flying, I went to the library to study for the next day's exams. For me that would be Care of Magical Creatures and Transfigurations. The first I would have no problem with, but the next might be a bit tricky.

I saw Teague and Corbin in the library and sat with them. I needed to clear my head of Severus for a while.

"Hey, Isabella!" Corbin said animatedly. I smiled warmly, but it still didn't reach my eyes.

"Hullo guys," I told them. Teague nodded at me and turned to his notes again. That seemed odd of him, but I didn't ask. I sat down and pulled out my transfiguration book and my own notes.

Corbin was sweating his exams. He was frantically looking over page after page of Transfiguration notes and was reading through his divination book. I shook my head at him sympathetically. After a while he got exasperated.

"I feel like my brain is going to explode!" he huffed quietly. We didn't want to get thrown out by Madam Prince for being loud. "I'm going to turn in for the night. See you around, Izzy." I waved as he left the library. When I looked back down at my parchment, I noticed Teague eyeing me from under his dark hair.

"Are you alright?" I asked a little irritated by his odd behavior. I wasn't in the mood for comforting someone at the moment.

"The question is, are you alright Isabella?" he snapped. I was taken aback by this.

"E—excuse me?" I stuttered.

"I've noticed in charms that you haven't been quite yourself. You usually at least try to excel, but this last week or so you've barely done enough to get by. And today I was walking down to Hagrid's to see if he had come across a certain mushroom my mum wants, and I see you trying to kill yourself on your broom! I know you're a damn good flyer, but you were being bloody stupid earlier," he sounded very upset. I blinked as an indignant blush crept into my cheeks.

"I knew what I was doing," I defended quietly. Teague's eyes glinted.

"Have you ever considered that you might screw up? Doing dives and flying at break neck speeds like you were that one time when Snape got onto you is one thing. Today...I was afraid I was going to see the only decent Slytherin at this school splatter herself on the grass," his voice was slightly raised, but he kept it low enough the librarian couldn't hear. I swallowed.

"I'm sorry, I'm just stressed from exams," I lied. He tossed his head to get his hair out of his eyes. He was glaring at me furiously.

"We are all stressed, but we don't do suicidal things like freefalling upside down without using our hands," he chastised sternly, but he seemed to be getting his frustration off his chest. His face had softened.

A sudden thought struck me like a bolt of lightning. If Teague was this upset about my flying, how upset would that make Severus? Suddenly that silky sensual voice that belonged to the only man I had ever loved flowed to my ears from behind me.

"Finally I find a student with a shred of intelligence," Severus said stepping from the Restricted Section. He was carrying a thick, leather-bound volume with bits of pages that had just been stuffed at random in the book hanging out of it.

Teague looked up and glared at him with a look of hatred. I was surprised at his confidence and equally surprised that Severus didn't take points from Ravenclaw for it. I spun in my seat to face the Potions Master, but he was looking over me at Teague. His face was impassive, but he looked dreadfully tired. After an awkward moment of silence Severus turned on heel and left nearly knocking a second year over on the way.

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