Blue Walls

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"That's it! HoSeok!!"

He could hear his mother's voice as he laid stiff and unmoving in his bed. The room hot and foul with his indignation. He didn't want to leave, he didn't want to experience and his mother was fed up with his behavior.

"Come on, get out of bed." The woman said as she flung the room door open, allowing the light from the hallway to come streaming in. For the first time in weeks, he let out a sound other than a sigh.

HoSeok groaned.

It was all so cringeworthy. The fact that the short woman with her hair thrown into a loose bun on top of her hair could find it within herself to grow so abrasive. Ignoring her child's wants whilst focusing more on his needs. HoSeok thought that it was indeed cringeworthy, so he groaned. He groaned in annoyance, in agitation..... in pain.

Stumbling across his room, the small woman with a look of determination indenting her forehead flung the curtains open. The harsh light from beyond the blinds stinging his eyes as he shrugged further and further into the depths of his blankets.

     "Jesus Christ." She groaned, staring at the room that was beyond disgusting. Empty food bags and clothes strewn across the cramped room. The smell was beyond rancid and the woman was tired of standing in the foul room much less leaving her son in here to suffer. "HoSeok, I know you're not feeling well but your sister and I are going to the park and you're coming with us."

Nothing but a haunted sigh left his chapped lips. He didn't want to go. HoSeok was about to object when the woman ripped the sheets from his body, leaving him shivering from the cold of his room. He wanted to yell, curse her out even but his throat was so dry that he simply found himself parting his lips ever so slightly before rolling over and facing the blank blue walls.

    "When I get back, you better be up and ready. I'm sick and tired of your behavior!" She shouted, kicking a pile of briefs before storming out of the room and slamming the door.

HoSeok contemplated.

    He could either get the hell up and face the world....or go back to wallowing in his self hatred. He chose the latter, to simply lay here and stare into the depths of the blueness of his blank and lifeless walls. The small and frail boy was on the cusp of sleep when the door creaked open once again. The soft pitter pattering of small feet dancing rhythmically against the wooden floorboards could be heard.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he begged for forgiveness, he didn't want to but something told him that now was the time to.

     She could see right through him. Her dark eyes always managing to see the things that he was desperately trying to hide. And now, he knew that he would succumb to the mercy of them once more.

    He took a deep breath, waiting for her to say something in her small ever so sweet voice. But the scolding didn't come, he licked his dry lips which did nothing. HoSeok waited, almost giving up until he felt the bed dip precariously beneath her light weight. The soft burst of her cool breath tickling the small hairs on the nape of his neck as she wrapped her frame around him, almost like a big spoon.

     Though he was older, he felt so small wrapped in her embrace as she held her older brother to her thin frame.

    "I know what you are going through." She began. A 16 year old speaking the way she does was frightening, he thought. How could she know what he was going through? She had friends, people who loved her. She was tall and pretty, beautiful skin and a smile that everyone would fall for in a heartbeat. HoSeok didn't have that, he thought no one loved him and maybe, just maybe he was right.

"And I know you're thinking; how could she know what I'm feeling?" The young girl mocked, deepening her voice to match her brother's. "Sometimes things haunt us, make us change our perception of who we really are." She sighed, dragging out the last vowel before giving her brother one last squeeze.

"For today brother, let's put these thoughts behind us. Let's be happy." With that, the young girl left the room with a lingering kiss to HoSeok's temple and the seedling of a thought embedded in his already crowded mind.

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