Pink Paws

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TW: Before you read.....
Friendly reminder that this book speaks of some times very uncomfortable topics such as an eating disorder. If you or someone you know is exhibiting the following behaviors, please reach out to a professional or someone you trust!
.....carry on.... at your own discretion.

How strange is it to stare at someone from a distance? Watching their every move, but not from lust or even love, but rather from burning unfiltered envy.

   Raging envy that makes you want to wrap your fingers so tightly around their neck and dig into their soft, supple and healthy skin. Bruising it with your strong willing hands.

   Would you feel satisfaction watching as their eyes rolled to the back of their head and their bodies fall limp in your arms? The strong swirling colour of reds and purples already raring its ugly head at the thought, right?

Jimin stared at Jiin from the corner of his eyes as he leaned his head against Namjoon's shoulder, squishing his round cheeks together as a sense of dread and fear washed over him. As much a he loved the older guy, he had something that he wanted....not his love for Namjoon, everyone knew they were a thing.

    No, Jimin wanted his beauty.

    Jin often acknowledged the fact that he's just what everyone claims him to be, handsome and he refuses
to forget it. For whatever reason, he held the term close and dear to his heart. Though now with his unknowing actions, an unsettling sense of intimidation from his acknowledgment has surrounded his aura, pushing the younger boy at bay, leaving him in a sea of envy.

Jimin licked his chapped lips as he suddenly pushed himself up, avoiding the wondering eyes at his sudden look of frustration. On the other hand, Jin sat with an uncomfortable look plastered against his porcelain features. He could just feel it, this weird sensation, a feeling of wondering eyes creeping along his exposed flesh.

      Stretching his long pink sweater sleeves into paws, he gently dug at the back of his neck, the burning feeling of eyes following his every movement causing his skin to prickle at the thought.

    Grabbing his things and stuffing them in his bag, Jimin quickly gathered his trash before harshly dumping them into a bin as he made his way out of the cafeteria doors without another glance at the rest of the boys.

Ignoring the calls of Namjoon on his way out.

It felt unfairly just to behave the way he had, but the gnawing feeling in his stomach as he made his way to the bathroom really began to sink in. No one looked at him the way Jin looked at Namjoon....or even the small glances Taehyung would take at HoSeok. He wanted it all.

    His blood was boiling, his heart growing green.

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