Blue's Secret

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The boys were all sat at the large lunch table, loud boisterous laughter filling the packed cafeteria as they enjoyed each other's presence. In the midst of groaning at one of Jin's iconic dad jokes, Taehyung suddenly spoke up.

For the past fifteen minutes, he's been rather quite.... keeping to himself. HoSeok found it odd, but quickly passed it off. He had his reasons for being so indifferent. Though he desperately wanted to comfort the crinkles between the boy's brows, he told himself to refrain his tingling fingers.

   HoSeok has a secret, one he doesn't want to let tell. His attraction to Taehyung was his and only his to know so, he kept it to himself. Stuffing his nose in a book in order not to look at the beauty who was merely inches away from his side. Hiding and sulking about it, his behaviour that of unknowing beast.

"Hyung," Taehyung hesitantly voiced, his cheeks burning a beautiful shade of pink as he stared towards Namjoon, attempting to avoid eye contact with the rest of the boys at all cost. He needed to speak to the other boy, he desperately needs advice. From the very first day he met HoSeok, he's been feeling unexplainable feelings, butterfly inducing feelings.

"Hmm, what's up Tae Tae?" Joon spoke, brushing his long fingers through Jimin soft hair as Jin's hand tighten on his thigh beneath the table. A confused look washing over his soft features as he eyed the younger boy. Jin was typically very weary of Taehyung, the boy has the ability to make any situation uncomfortable just by simply opening his mouth. The older boy held his stare, a sceptical look dusting towards Taehyung and Namjoon's odd interaction.

    HoSeok watched on from behind his book that he had already lost interest in. After hearing Taehyung's deep sultry voice, his heart clenched inside his heaving chest as he hung onto the edge of every last word he spoke.

    "Can I speak with you for a minute?" HoSeok almost jumped from his seat as Taehyung inquired. Biting his full bottom lips as he waited anxiously for Namjoon's answer. Namjoon who was now confused beyond his wits rose an eyebrow before slowly nodding and gently removing Jimin's warm grip from his arm. Jin shot him a look, discreetly begging the boy to make it quick.

    Both boys quickly made their way outside the cafeteria and into the empty halls. Taehyung basically bouncing on his heels, not from excitement but rather with anxious worries. He couldn't hold it in another moment longer, he needed to tell someone, someone he could confide his inner most secrets with. Sure he was a weirdo who would normally keep these things to himself out of fear, but something within urged him to confide in someone this time around.

    Pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as he bounced around, Taehyung struggled to get his rapidly beating heart to settle in his chest. The thumping alone allowing the wild butterflies to awake within his rumbling stomach.

   "Tae, what's up? What's going on?" Joon asked, staring at the boy with quizzical eyes. He was confused and a bit frightened. Ever since he's known the boy, he's never acted in this manner before. It frightened him a little bit, but knowing his heart, Namjoon seemed to have an inkling of a clue as to why the boy was behaving this way. He didn't want to push it though, no bother coaxing it unless Taehyung saw fit and decided it was time to talk.

    "H-hyung, I need your help." Taehyung stuttered, palms sweating as his eyes roamed around the empty halls, looking for someone who just might overhear his confessions.

   "You need my help?" Namjoon repeated, scrunching his thick brows as he gently rest his large hand on the boy's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze in the act. "I'll help you, what is it that you need help with?" He whispered, watching as the boy's chest heaved up and down, his thin frame shaking in slight fear.

Of course Taehyung was afraid. What if this ruined a potential friendship? What if he didn't feel the same way that he felt? This could come back to bite him in the ass. This could break his heart, rip in from his chest and turn the butterflies into moths.  

  Thinking about it, Taehyung was rather terrified of butterflies and moths alike. He absolutely hated the feelings he felt. This anxiety that was beginning to eat him alive.

    "I-its HoSeokie hyung..." He hiccuped, running his fingers shakily through his hair, he felt like throwing up, as if the whole world could just swallow him right up. This feeling was all too strange for him and he didn't know how to go about it. How, how could he confess? "It hurts hyung." He finally breathed.

    "What about HoSeok? What hurts?" Namjoon was now growing nervous, fear shifting his once soft features into one of panick. "Did he say something?" No, of course HoSeok didn't say anything. That boy wouldn't even hurt an ant if his life depended on it.

    "My chest hurts, hyung it hurts to love him." Taehyung's hiccups has now shifted into that of tears, tears that streamed down his steaming cheeks as he gripped onto his chest, willing the aching butterflies to disappear. "I want these butterflies to go away." He choked, holding his head as the older boy quickly wrapped his large frame around the boy, bringing him into his being.

    Namjoon knew how it felt to love. Love brought anxiety and pain and from Taehyung's actions he knew that he truly felt love. Love that brought fear, fear that HoSeok wouldn't feel the same.

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