Orange Beanie

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As tall as he is, Namjoon had the ability to trip over his own two feet. He was the friendly giant of the few, but also the one who caused destruction to not only his peers, but also himself.

     Here, he was stuck in his own mind, stuck like his friend as he walked down the leaf covered sidewalk. Lacking focus and well, agility. The anxiety of his mind stunned his body, causing him to topple over the boy who was only a few feet ahead of him.

   "Joon," Jin groaned, pushing his body up from the ground with a sigh of frustration. "would you watch where you're going?" Jin clipped, reaching out a hand to pull his boyfriend to his feet. Secrets, secrets that they both kept but desperately wanted to speak of.

    "I'm sorry Jin Hyung," The boy whispered, dusting himself off as Jin gave him a once over. He was rather protective of the younger boy. Jin knew things, things that often burdened his already heavy heart. "I-I was thinking again." The boy stuttered, shaking his head.

"About what?" The older boy prodded, lacing his arm around his boyfriend's shoulder and pressing a kiss to his temple.

"HoSeok," Namjoon hesitated, leaning into the boy as they slowly walked down the walkway, kicking at the gravel as they did.

   "What about HoSeok?" Jin paused, eyeing his lover's face. Namjoon had a way to see things, to see beyond the outter walls that people built up around themselves. This was one of the very reasons why Jin fell for him. He saw more of Jin than anyone ever did, he saw his heart, he felt his pain and he seduced it. He is love...

   forever and always.

      "H-he's been feeling pain lately, pain he doesn't want to feel." He muttered looking up at the skies, far beyond the green leaves where all he saw was blue. A kind of blue that he knew was inside of his friend, a blue that's hidden beneath the depths of his turmoil. "I feel for him Jin." He frowned.

     "Joonie, what do you mean? What happened to him?" The older boy urged, tugging on the boy's arm. "Is he?" Jin cocked an eyebrow, looking down at his boyfriend with the expectations of truthful answers.

    "Is he what?" Namjoon asked, as they continued towards the old white bench, the bench where they first met, the bench where they first felt love. "What are you thinking hyung?"

"You know, like relapsing. Do you think he's going through that pain because of what he did?" He replied, shrugging his shoulder. Namjoon thought for a moment, crunching his brows in deep and confused thoughts. That was him, a person who thought. Not only for himself but for others. Maybe thinking placed him too far a head in the future. Maybe that's where the problems began, not the past but the future.

"I don't think it's the matter of relapsing, maybe it's more along the lines of being apprehensive. I don't think HoSeok believes in himself anymore." Namjoon shook his head, brows still crinkled as he thought of the reasons why. Why his friend hurts so much.

"You've been wearing that beanie a lot lately," Jin smiled, reaching up to pat his boyfriend's head as they finally reached the bench and sat. They sat in the very first place they fell for each other, a place filled with trust.

"I guess I have, haven't I?" His eyes lit up as he gently reached up to brush his long fingers over the tip of the hat, a large smile gracing his round features. Tiny dimples peaking out to light up Jin's world. "I do like this orange hat." He chuckled, reaching over to gently place a kiss on Jin's full pink lips. "I guess we all have colours that define us, colours that we like." He whispered against Jin's plush lips, slowly pulling away to then place a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you Joonie." Jin sighed, staring up at the man he loved with all his heart. His chest swelling beneath the blush pink of his sweater that now matched his round cheeks.

"I love you."

No need to say the "too" because their love ran deep without the addition of a word that meant reciprocation. Here they are, beneath this cherry blossom tree in it's truest and purest form.

"So, what do you plan to do?" The older boy asked, clapping his soft warm hands together. "Do you have a plan?" He hesitated, looking out into the distance of the greenery, the lands dusting with fallen blossoms. Coating the ground as if it were snow.

"All we have to do is show him love. Show him that we're here for him, no matter how deeply he's trapped in his own head."

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