Your Colours

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dé·jà vu

a feeling of having already experienced the present situation.
tedious familiarity.

    This is my experience. Almost like these faces that are so new to me, I've seen before. Faces that all held a strange sense of familiarity. My life before my eyes within one group of strangers. This is what they called dé·jà vu.

Have you ever left a world behind you that was so dull and grey? Filled with seemingly glum and disheartening expressions of sadness? A world that is ambiguous and lifeless? A place where all you can see is what your mind wants you to see and not what you knew the world holds beyond those two shades.

Black and White.

Well, even if you haven't experienced this feeling before reader, I'll explain.

As soon HoSeok's fingers laced within the warmth of his first of many circumstances, his first other half, he was brought into a new world. A world filled with new faces, colors and emotions. Shedding the old behind him even though he knew that deep within himself somehow, he still had more colorful hues to overcome.

There standing before him were five new yet frustratingly familiar faces. Each person adorning articles of colors, colors he'd almost forgotten existed. This being the reason why he felt like as soon as the boy introduced him to his friends, a wave of amity began to tickle at his spine.

"Hey guys, this is... ah!" Taehyung paused, full lips pulling into a smile as he looked towards his friends then back at HoSeok, shaking his head in thought. "I don't even know your name!" Taehyung exclaimed, patting HoSeok gently on his back in a casual prompt. A look of expectation bubbling on his handsome features.

HoSeok didn't know how to reply, quickly growing smaller and smaller as the blank looks of expectations bore into his soul. HoSeok once considered himself an open book, but after recent events of his blantant depression, he slowly but surely began to close himself off from the world. Shielding his fragile heart in his feeble attempts.

He opened his mouth before quickly closing it. It was almost as if the ground beneath his feet was slowly crumbling away, disintegrating with his with confidence. HoSeok thought he had this under control, at least he silently prayed to. This was why he tended to stay to himself, to each his own. Yet, within a whole twenty minutes of knowing this Taehyung guy, his whole world was already staring to fall apart.

Crumbling to dust.

"Ah... it's okay, you don't have to tell us if you don't want to..." Someone in the small group suddenly piped up, his soft voice warm and friendly as a look of acknowledgement passed over his equally soft and handsome attributes. "We saw you looking earlier, and we just kinda..." The same guy fished for words, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as he tugged at his brightly colored orange cap.

"Anyways, I'm Namjoon." He smiled, slowly reaching out to pull HoSeok into a hug before abruptly pausing, a look of embarrassment flushing his cheeks as his once potent dimples disappeared. The young sadden boy didn't know what to do with his unfocused eyes so he let it go after giving a simple nod of acknowledgement.

After each one went around and introduced themselves, HoSeok's throat was left raw... this was awkward even for him.

"Jimin, it's okay you can say hi." That was a taller boy adorned in a pretty pink puffy sweater, SeokJin I believe his name was. HoSeok licked his dry lips as he watched as a smaller boy moved from behind the shadows of the group. His small body swathed in a deep blood red long sleeve shirt, the material loose and baggy on his already petite figure.

This one was different from the rest, he wasn't smiling as much.

Was he like me? HoSeok questioned silently, his mind reeling with the possibilities that such an innocent child could struggle with the stigma of depression. He didn't know the boy on a personal level, but from just staring at his weak and feeble being as he clenched tightly onto the sleeves of his baggy shirt, he suspected the faint aura of self doubt. He kept his mouth, biting his tongue as he simply opted for nodding towards the boy who struggled to form his sentences.

"Never mind Chim Chim." The first boy to introduce himself muttered, pulling the smaller boy into his side with a smile. "It's alright, you don't have to if you don't want to, okay?" The smaller boy nodded, his fluffy hair bouncing as he did. HoSeok watched in awe as a full lipped smile suddenly tugged at his lips and his eyes  began to twinkle with mirth.

This might be the friendship that I longed for.

"Anyways, lets go play ball shall we?!" Taehyung yelled, startling HoSeok as he threw the ball high into the air and towards the great blue sky. Even though the boy held such a dreamy and far off look, a look that seemed immeasurably far beyond the 9th cloud in his bright blue shoes, he seemed quite perfectly planted on the ground. As strong as a rock. Surrounded by people who were just like him.

HoSeok watched in awe as the rest off the boys ran off. Laughing brightly as a smaller boy dressed in all black lagged behind. That one was just as different as Jimin. Even more quieter than the shy child. He seemed angrier in fact, his facial features void of any sentiment. He felt so ice cold and distant from the rest, but they all seemed to welcome his detached soul into their group of friends as of it was secondary.

HoSeok wondered if they'd ever view him as a friend rather than a stranger that just looks from beyond the ambiguity of his vision.

"Are you coming or not?" The boy bit, his sharp eyes seemingly seeing beyond who HoSeok was as he stood there staring at him. HoSeok nodded quickly, afraid of upsetting him. "Well, stop staring at me and come on!" He chuckled, motioning for HoSeok to follow him as a rare smile spread across his sunken cheeks.

Just there in that moment, without much thought HoSeok knew that even though these six strangers were well, strange, something in his mending heart whispered the wonders of colors to him. They'll be there, the way they're for each other.

The End.

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