Red's Pink

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A moment neither wanted to forget.

      The first half of their love story, their first time.

      SeokJin dragged in a deep breath as his body jerked, skin glistening with the sweat from the love that flowed around him. If he could, he would pull the boy aside him even closer to his being.

    Get a little closer, let fold. Cut open my sternum, and pull. My little ribs around you
The rungs of me be under, under you.

    What it felt like to love.

"Joonie," He suddenly whispered, his thin voice floating through the chilling night air. It was now autumn time and the cherry blossoms were blooming again, adorning the side walk and Jin's fluffy pink hair in the sweet smelling blooms. So soft and delicate, similar to him, to their bountiful fondness for each other. "You look so beautiful under the lights." His voice rasped, cheeks growing rosy as Namjoon's head snapped towards him.

"Me? What about you?" NamJoon chuckled in turn, pulling the older boy into his lap and snuggling further into his warmth, the cold air nipping at his already flushed and puffy red cheeks. "How can I compare to such a beautiful specimen?" He wondered out loud which caused Jin to look at him incredulously before his full red lips pulled into an all too knowing smirk.

"Of course." There he goes again. Lying to himself. Putting on the overwhelming sense of bravado. SeokJin knew he wasn't beautiful, not like how they always said he was. Everyone was only lying to spare his feelings, but he knew the truth. SeokJin knew that he was ugly and fat and that there was nothing he could do to change that fact.

Dieting didn't work. Working out hard at the gym only seemed to make him appear fatter. He couldn't even lose weight right! He couldn't even be enough for his handsome boyfriend who had him wrapped around his pinky.

"Joon-ah... I love you." All these emotions made his heart ache as the simple words with a thousand and one meanings fell past chapped lips. This was almost a goodbye, one that he was dreading and the other unbeknownst to.

"What?" NamJoon scrunched his thick brows together, his already jumbled mind overcrowding in a painful way. "Hyung I love you too, but why all of a suddenly?" He forced a smile to his face.

"What? I can't tell my boyfriend that I love him?" Jin laughed, slowly rising from Namjoon's comforting lap and pulling his thick coat closer to his body before gently aiding his handsome man to his feet, NamJoon stifling a laugh at the sight of the tiny little blossoms coating his hair. They suited him well, casting and ethereal glow to his character. The way the warm glow of the street lamp danced on the high points of his thin and sunken cheeks.

It was ghastly in a dangerously beautiful way. He's noticed how slim the other between them has gotten, but he continues to bite his tongue. For a while now he's been biting his tongue in fear that there was actually nothing he could do. He didn't want to place a period at the end of their love story.

They just began.

He was about to reply when SeokJin's phone screen lit up, blaring the sounds of a cheerful song. Furrowing his brow, the boy dragged in a deep breath.


Jimin was never one to contact him, as close as they were, there was always this deep rift, a chasm that went on forever between the two. Hesitantly, he answered the phone, brows knitting to match that of his partners. Shushing NamJoon quietly, SeokJin spun on his heels walking away. The sudden sound of heaving bombarding his thoughts.

   "Hyung! Hyung I need you."

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