And My Demise

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             This is where Kim SeokJin dies.

Within this moment as death came barrelling towards him, his mind became clear.

    Strangely enough, he welcomed his faith.

Jin clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth, his full plush lips pulling into a beautiful red pout.

And this is how he kills himself.

Sweet death, remove me from sin, let me live a sweeter life. I'd sell my soul for a better tomorrow.

     "Jin, SeokJin please" NamJoon sobbed, stretching his arms out as the strong winds whipped around both boys. SeokJin stood tethering between his will and yearn to live and the force within himself to die. "Baby step down!" NamJoon hiccuped, fear and confusion dancing against his ever changing features. "I now know the truth, but it makes me love you even more."

The older boy stopped with his back facing his younger lover. "You knew? The pain I was going through? How I felt inferior to others surrounding me?" He looked up, a pool of tears coating his large round eyes as the flood gates opened up. "Did you NamJoon?"

The younger boy opened his mouth to then close it. No, no he didn't. He didn't know that that's how he felt. Alone in a sea of monsters, fear and doubt.

"I feel like an idiot," NamJoon groaned, dropping the bouquet of flowers that he was gripping tightly between his large hands. The white lilies falling graciously as he stared at the older male. "How-h-how?" Joon stammered, he hated that part of himself, but he never let it get to him. But he's never like this when it mattered the most, the sudden attack made him grow frustrated. He wanted to help his boyfriend yet his body seemed to will him against it.

"Yea," Jin chuckled. "I know right. I hated Jimin because I envied him. He has it all yet he constantly waste his beauty away." He began to laugh through his frightening disclosure. "The nights I laid awake with cramps in my lower abdomen because I abused myself, the pills, bitter and nasty!" Jin fell to his knees, jerking forward, towards the ledge of the rooftop.

" s-stop!!" NamJoon shook his head, his tongue tying in ways that frustrated him to the ends of the earth. "You can't....I-I," He blinked forcing the words at the back of his throat to surface.

"Oh please NamJoon, I also did it for you." Jin looked up rolling his eyes as he stables himself. "Don't cry about it now." He groaned as he wiped the drying blood from the corner of his round lips, sucking gently on the plump flesh. "You always wanted me to wear the clothes, clothes that I couldn't pull off. I so badly wanted to be beautiful for you Joon." He started sobbing again through jumbled words.

"God I'm such an idiot!" Jin shook his head. Gripping tightly to his deathly skinny body as he retreated into himself.

     "Oh God Jin...hyung," NamJoon regained himself after the words that fell past the older males swollen lips. His heart beating wildly as he cautiously stepped towards the crying man. Dusty brown hair covering his pale cheeks as he sat there, resting his sunken cheeks against his dangerously bony knees. Why couldn't he see it until now. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around Jin, kneeling beside him and resting his head against his broad back. The shallow breathes that Jin took scaring him to death

"Joonie, I'm going to kill myself." Jin breathed out, "Don't be foolishly alarmed, quit yapping," Jin sternly spoke causing NamJoon to seal his mouth shut. "I'm going to kill the old me, I don't like being like this. It hearts my heart, it hurts every part of my being." He continued to speak as his boyfriend gently rubbed his back, persuading him in a comforting manner. Kissing the shell of his ear between breaths.

"I understand." He whispers, brushing his cheeks against Jin's. "I may not of have known th-the amount of p-pain you..." He blinked harshly, pushing the words forward. "Went through b-but I'm here."

"I coveted Jimin for all the wrong reasons, I never got to know him. He loves you and I do too, I just wished that I never left him in the cold." Jin coughed, pushing the lump forming in his throat away. He didn't want to start crying again. He needs to be strong for himself. Leaning down, the taller male of the two brought them both to their feet before wrapping the feeble and weak boy in his embrace.

"Let's fall together, lets have hope. I believe in you." Capturing SeokJin's lips between his, he breathed out a bone crushing sigh as his being melted into his beloved's.

And he fell at the hands of his own demise.

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