Merlin: Love of a servant and hate of an enemy (Third book)

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Ok guys so after loads of consideration I decided for a third book.

One I know you guys enjoyed it

Two I am craving to continue to this story and so i am haha :)

How could I just end Merlin and Arthur boyxboy there huh so here is the first chapter of the third book.

I hope you enjoy it and will support this :)

Thanks for reading


Chapter One: I think Andrew will do well.

Merlin’s POV

I snuggled under the covers ignoring the sound of something being dragged. As it seemed to get louder I open my eyes and sat up in bed wondering what the heck that sound was.

“Good morning sire,” said Harry.

“Harry how many times just call me Merlin. What is that sound?” I asked him.

“That will be the servants moving the furniture,” Harry explained to me.

“Why are they doing that?” I asked.

“Did you forget sir....Merlin that Lady Helen is coming to visit?”

“I completely forgot my sister is coming. Where is Arthur?” I asked it suddenly darning on me that my husband was not in the bed next to me.

“He went to prepare the council chamber,” said Harry.


“You and Arthur are to have lunch with Andrew. The warlock who wants to learn more about the treaties and how he will be treated here within Camelot if he moved here with his family to take the job of helping you with the idea of you creating a place to help young children to master there powers sire,” he smiled to me.

“I completely forgot about that too. My minds been so busy trying to help Arthur allow magic back to the land and keeping in contact with Helen and mother I’ve lost track of everything else,” I said as I climbed out of bed.

I found myself without my top on which was never like me but it slowly peaking into summer and sleeping with Arthur it got hot under the covers and Arthur liked to see my bare chest sleeping against it. I have to admit I love sleeping next to his bare chest too.

“I have put your clothes on the screen for you,” he said to me.

“Thank you Harry this really means a lot but I could have done that myself,” I said.

“But you being King you are to run off your feet to worry about that and Harry doesn’t mind do you,” said Arthur who had just came into the room.

“Not at all,” said Harry backing away a little. Why did he always do that when Arthur showed up?

Arthur came over to me and planted his lips onto mine. We kissed for a little while before Arthur took my hand and brought me over to the screen. We both went behind it. Arthur kissed down my chest before he grabbed the top hanging on the screen and helped me into it.

“Arthur I can dress myself,” I said as I nibbled his ear.

“I know but I like to do this,” Arthur whispered as he pulled down my trousers and pants. He looked down before and winked at me before he helped me get into my trousers and belt.

“Perfect...Well to everyone else,” smiled Arthur.

“But to you I’m perfect when?” I asked him.

“When you’re naked,” he teased.

“Enough of that,” I said as I came out from behind the screen.

“It’s the truth and we said we wouldn’t lie to each other,” laughed Arthur.

“Come on we got stuff to do.”

“Well I pretty much done all of it,” said Arthur.

“Why didn’t you wake me up,” I complained to him as he took my hand as we headed out the chamber and Harry following close behind us.

“I thought you could do with a lay in all the work you have been doing lately,” said Arthur.

“It hasn’t been that much,” I said to him.

“You have.”

“You have been doing more work then I have,” I said to him as we walked down the corridor hand in hand. We don’t wear our crowns all the time but we do wear them when needed.

“I think we both have been doing a lot of work let’s leave it at that. So how do you think this guy is going to do? Andrew,” said Arthur.

“I hope he does well,” I smiled as we reached the council chamber.

“So do I. Let’s eat some breakfast you must be hungry,” said Arthur as we entered the council chamber. I found Gaius and Light already at the table and they both smiled as we entered.

“Morning,” smiled Gaius.

“Hey Gaius how are you?” I asked him.

“I’m good and you?”

“Yeah I’m good too. Hey Light come here,” I said to him. Light got up from the table and I brought him into a big hug.

“Did you enjoy your lay in dad?” asked Light.

“I did actually,” I smiled as we all sat down at the table. We got served the food before we began to eat it. I still find it hard getting served by other people when I use to be just like them, it felt strange even after a while of having it.

After we all finished Arthur smiled at me. “Merlin maybe you can take Light out for a ride and a quick practice before we meet Andrew,” said Arthur.

“Are you sure? What will you do?” I asked him.

“I’ve got some paper work to sort out,” said Arthur.

“Ok if you’re sure,” I said to him as I got up from the table.

“I’m sure,” he smiled as he got up and we both kissed each other. I gave Gaius a hug before I took Light’s hand and we left the chamber and towards the courtyard. Harry went ahead to fetch Light and me a horse.

The time we got to the courtyard Harry had two horses set out for us. I helped Light onto his horse before I climbed onto mine with Harry’s help. “We’ll be back in about an hour,” I said to Harry who smiled at me before he stepped aside.

Light and I headed out of Camelot and into the forest. We found a nice spot with a lake before we both climbed off and we sat by the lake. I showed Light a few spells before he tried to do them. I loved helping Light with his magic and it’s something we both have and cherish. I know that’s one area where Arthur seems left out on with Light, our son.

I can’t do anything about that but involve him more but every time I do he doesn’t seem to want to do that though. I hope he comes around as Light doesn’t get much time with Arthur and I know he wants too and I want them both to spend more time with each other too.

“We better head back,” I said to Light an hour later.

“I think Andrew will do well,” smiled Light.

“I think so to.” We climbed back onto our horses and had a good ride back to Camelot.

Merlin: Love of a servant and hate of an enemy (BoyXBoy Third book)Where stories live. Discover now