Chapter Fifteen: It was Gwaine and now Harry

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Arthur’s POV

“Sire is something wrong?” Leon asked me as I stood in front of my men. I’ve been out so longer then I had thought I had been. I had become extremely ill and Merlin had taken over as ruler alone while Gaius cured me. The last thing I expected was to find my husband, Merlin to be kissing our servant Harry.

It made me angry. I love Merlin with every inch of my body and everyone tries to destroy that. I don’t know why, I can’t begin to but I’m starting to wonder if I made the right choice in marrying Merlin. If anyone found out that Merlin was kissing our servant they would consider me a fool, someone who can be cheated on and pushed aside easily.

What have I done to deserve this? I’ve loved Merlin with all my heart, I know at times I wasn’t their but now I am. I made him King, I let him stand beside me and I adopted Light into the family as our son. I’ve done all I can to make Merlin happy and I let magic back so he can live and use his magic at will.

I know magic isn’t evil, I know Merlin isn’t evil but why would he do this to me? Is there something I’ve done I don’t remember about, I really don’t know. I’ve not told anyone else about this. I kept this between me, Harry and Merlin. It’s going to stay that way until I figure out what really happened.

I haven’t had the time to talk to Merlin properly about it, maybe I have but just I’m avoiding it. If you were me, would you do the same thing? When you see your husband kissing someone else, it really hurts. It’s not the first time either. When I was with Merlin the first time he cheated on me with Gwaine.

That had hurt me but I forgave him because I knew he loved me more. I knew he cared more about me and wanted to be with me. Now I’m not so sure. Merlin has everything to make him happy, he has a family that care so much about him so why would he go off and kiss Harry?

I’m so confused right now I don’t know where to start to try and figure out why this happened. Is it my fault? Is it Merlin’s fault? Did Harry lead him on? I really don’t know and I don’t know who to trust about it either. I mean there was Karen too but I know she put herself onto Merlin so did Harry do that too?

While I slept did Harry take advantage on Merlin? I don’t even know how to answer my own questions. One of them could lie when I really ask them and that takes me back to square one. Why is it everyone keeps going after Merlin? I mean I understand he is amazing inside and out but we made a promise when we married we would be together forever. We would stand by each other, so do I put that into place now and try and figure out why Merlin did this and try to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

I mean the look on Merlin’s face showed that he was sorry, that it may have not even been him who kissed him, Harry kissed him first. “Arthur,” said Leon.

“Oh yes sorry, you keep training I need to go rest for a bit I’m still not feeling a hundred percent,” I said to him.

“Of course sire,” smiled Leon.

I nodded to him and the rest of the knights before I left the training field and back towards the castle. I think Merlin is with Andrew sorting out the last few things before they can put the training there going to do into action.

I reached the castle just as Emma ran towards me. “Sire I don’t want to step out of place but I know about Harry and Merlin. I know that you think this is crazy but I think something is not right here. The other day I saw Harry with an elderly lady but she looked like Morgana. I think Harry is working with Morgana and splitting you two up would be what she wants,” said Emma to me.

“Maybe you imagined it, I know you care but this is between me, Merlin and Harry so please don’t get involved,” I said to her before I went into the castle.

“But sire!” Emma shouted but I ignored her. I went to my chamber. As I went inside I found Merlin sitting at the table tears dripping down his face.

“I thought you were going to be with Andrew today?” I asked as I went over to the bed.

“I was but...I couldn’t go like this,” he said to me.

“Don’t you think I should be the one crying,” I said to him harshly.

“Why aren’t you then? Arthur I know you can’t forgive me, I mean what you saw happened and it wasn’t the first time it happened either. I’m confused Arthur, beyond what I can explain like something is meddling with my head. Harry loves me, I don’t know why. All I seem to do is destroy everything and make people upset. I’m not worth you or Harry or anyone else. I never deserved to be King and I’m gonna step down from the throne. I’m going to leave and go Ealdor with my mother. You will make this Kingdom great without me but you must promise to keep Light safe. He deserves a good future and you said he deserves the throne one day,” he said to me.

“You want to break up with me? You want to give up so easily?” I asked him.

“Isn’t that what you want?”

“I’m way more confused then you, Merlin. I wake up and you’re kissing Harry. How do you think I feel? It isn’t the first time either. It was Gwaine and now Harry. That hurts Merlin that bloody hurts. I’m still willing to fight for us. I’m still willing to understand why you did it and try to resolve that. Do you forget the promise we made? Do you forget that we promised? We promised that we would be together forever and we would stand by each other. I’m willing to fight Merlin are you?”


Hey guys :)

Well three chapters to go

I've already wrote them

But it depends how i feel or if u want the next chapter up badly to if I update them or not

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment it means so much if you think i deserve it :)

This is nearly at an end but I'm glad to finish it all off, three books not bad really.

Again thanks for reading

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