Chapter Six: Looking after the Kingdom falls on my shoulders

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Merlin’s POV

I sat at the desk in my chamber. I had given Harry the afternoon of since my chamber was clean, I used my magic to clean the floor and Arthur is sleeping and hopefully recovering.  Gaius said he should be alright by tomorrow. I’m trying to catch up with the paperwork which Arthur would normally do.

I sighed as I finished one parchment and moved onto the next piece. I find it strange knowing that I’m King as well as Arthur still. I had never believed this in a million years but I never believed I would fall in love with the Prince of Camelot but I did and I still love him very much now.

I’m still waiting for a response from Andrew. I’m worried that it’s taking him so long because he doesn’t want the job and to move to Camelot and therefore holding it off as much as he can to not hurt my feelings. I wish he would just say no then I won’t continue to think, wonder and worry about if he is going to accept or not.

Light has gone to help Gaius with his rounds for a little while. Once I caught up with this paperwork I could take Light out for a bit but I’m concerned about the knights. They normally train everyday and they haven’t had that for the last two days. I’m thinking about trying but I don’t know anything about using a sword so it would seem quite pointless.

Maybe I should give that a miss. I mean Arthur will be back to normal by tomorrow and everything will go back to normal so I’m sure not training the knights today isn’t going to harm them in any way. I continued with the paperwork until I finished all I could without Arthur’s help.

I got up from the desk and went over to the bed to look at Arthur. I kissed Arthur on the cheek and put my hand through his hair but as I did my hand touched his forehead to find he was very hot. I felt it properly to come to the conclusion that he felt like he was burning up and I needed to fetch Gaius.

I rushed out of the chamber into the corridor crashing straight into Harry. “Harry,” I said shocked.

“Sorry Merlin I came to check up on you and see if you needed anything,” said Harry to me.

“I need you to fetch Gaius. Arthur is burning up and I need Gaius to come quickly,” I said to him.

“Ok I’ll get him straight away,” said Harry as he ran away quickly to go get Gaius. I sighed before I went back into the chamber and sat on the bed watching Arthur sleep waiting for Gaius. I can’t stop worrying about Arthur. I hope Gaius comes here quickly.

Gaius arrived a little while later with Harry and Light. “Harry can you take Light to his room for me? I don’t want him seeing his dad this way,” I said Harry.

“Of course Merlin,” he smiled at me before he took Light’s hand and led him out the chamber. I walked over to the bed as I watched Gaius check over Arthur. I began to pace while waiting for Gaius to finish.

“Merlin I wish you would stop pacing,” said Gaius.

I stopped and sat down at the desk. “I’m sorry. How is he?” I asked him.

“He is alright,” said Gaius.

“Tell me the truth,” I said to him.

“The truth is he has seemed to have gotten worse. I don’t understand why though. I don’t think it’s what I first thought it to be. It maybe something a lot worse and I’m worried that it’s not going to be healed by simply you healing him,” said Gaius.

“Are you telling me he maybe ill because he could have been made ill through magic?” I asked Gaius.

“Yes. It is quite possible,” said Gaius putting his arm around me.

“What can we do then?” I asked Gaius.

“I will go back to my chamber now and research all I can. If you can fetch Harry he can come with me and fetch some medicine which could calm is fever but it won’t help much for anything else but at least it will help something,” said Gaius.

“Ok thank you Gaius,” I said to him as we left the chamber. I fetched Harry and he went with Gaius. I sat with Light in his room for a little while us talking about Andrew and why he may have not come back with a response yet.

I hoped to keep the subject of Arthur but Light had to bring it up anyway. “Is dad going to be ok? You said he would be better by tomorrow,” said Light.

“I know I did but Light he’ll be fine. How about I get Lancelot and you can hang out for a little while,” I said to him.

“Can’t I hang out with you?” he asked me.

“Maybe another day, I’m really busy,” I said to him and he nodded that he understood.


I sat in the council chamber. Arthur is really ill. I’ve tried to heal him but I can’t. Gaius has come to the decision that he has been affected by an illness that could have been coursed by magic. This means someone purposely made Arthur ill or a magical illness is travelling around. Either way Arthur is in a bad situation. It’s going to take Gaius sometime to find the cure.

Gaius said he won’t give up until he finds it though. I know Gaius will do all he can for him. I watched as everyone came into the council chamber and sat around the table all looking at me. This felt so strange, odd even. I mean being King is still strange for me but Arthur being terribly ill means I’m going to be doing this alone for a while.

“Arthur has fallen dramatically ill,” I said to the council. As soon as I finished saying that everyone burst out into conversations and I had to wait until everyone fell silent.

“Even if Arthur is ill everything can continue to go as normal. I’m king too,” I said. All the council nodded understanding.

“Looking after the Kingdom now falls on my shoulders. I will make sure this kingdom is protected don’t anyone worry about that,” I reassured them all.

“What about training?” asked Leon.

“Leon you know exactly what Arthur knows therefore I put you in charge of training until he makes a full recovery which he will,” I said to him.

“Yes sire,” said Leon.


I swear my chapters are always so small

Sorry about that.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter any way

Votes and comments would be epic THANKS

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