Chapter 1: Sudden Disaster

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A/N: This story is mainly based off of Sonic X. Enjoy!

Your POV


I woke up this morning with a pounding headache. I've been getting those a lot these past few days.

I groaned and rolled out of bed, smashing my alarm clock to get it to shut off.

I honestly didn't want to go to school today. I stayed up till about 1 in the morning doing homework for some of my classes. I was able to get it all done, but it took a while to do it.

It was still a bit dark outside, due to daylight savings, which made me want to roll over and fall back asleep.

It was also currently the end of November, so it was cold. I'm honestly a (summer/winter) baby, so this was (okay/bullcrap). I looked outside, seeing the pretty snow falling gently on the ground. I've always liked to watch snow.

I yawned and went into the bathroom, fixing myself up. I took a shower and put my hair in a low (H/L) ponytail. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put on a tad bit of mascara and ChapStick. 

After the basics, I decided to slip into a (F/C) T-shirt, a black light-weight jacket, blue jeans, and black sneakers.

Finally satisfied with my appearance, I grabbed my backpack, phone and headphones, and walked out the door.


When I got to the school, I was instantly met by my best friend, (F/N). I giggled when she gave me a big hug.

She giggled, "(Y/N)! I'm surprised you decided to come today! You're never usually here on Mondays!"

"Yeah," I pulled away from her death grip, "I decided not to leave you hanging today."

"Come on! We have to get to class, so we don't get in trouble!" She pulled me by the hand, causing me to giggle some more.



Around the time my third period started, I quickly got into the room and sat my stuff down. As soon as I sat down, the tardy bell rang. Sweet!

Within about 15 minutes of the class, I started drawing portals on my notebook paper. I would always draw stuff like portals and alternate universes, because I believe they exist. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for it, but oh well. I usually sat in the back of the room, because I didn't like being around stupidity of other people.

As soon as I finished drawing a portal...

... It all happened so quickly. The only thing I was able to make out was a loud boom, and people in my class flying everywhere and towards me. My vision got extremely blurry, and there was something hard pushing against my stomach. Probably my desk.

I felt someone's hand on my leg. It was completely lifeless. After regaining my structure a bit, I was able to kick the hand away, and weakly push the desk off of myself. 

My vision was still blurry, and I had trouble figuring out what happened. I felt some type of warm liquid dribbling down my face. I touched it and followed the trail of where it was coming from. I followed it up to the top of my head, and I winced at the sharp pain that came shortly after.

I also realized that I had my back against a wall. I tried moving away from it with no success. My back was also in pain.

My vision still being extremely blurry, I was only able to make out two figures walking towards me. One seemed to be tall and somewhat fat while the other was about half the tall one's height. As much as I rubbed my eyes, I was still unable to remove the blurriness.

After still trying to see, I felt a pair of hands pick me up bridal style. I yelped softly, since apparently, my arm was injured, too.

Then I heard voices.

"This ones still alive, doctor. Shall we use her?"

"Ohohoho! Well done, Shadow! Yes, this one will be perfect for the experiment! Quickly, while she's still breathing!"

My head continued to leak warm substance, that I assumed was blood. I felt myself being carried through a broken wall, which was my school's, and outside. I knew we were outside because I felt the cold snow on my face, and the slight warmth of the light from the sun.

There was this circle thing that randomly appeared out of nowhere, and as I was being carried near it, my vision slowly faded away into darkness, and my mind went blank, shutting down completely.

For a few split seconds, my vision went white with multiple other colors, before emitting back to pitch black.

A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter to this story! Until next time!


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