Don't touch my Wife, Me!!!!!

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"How many times do you think you can switch bodys ..... It wasn't a question! why am I again in this Idiots body!" thinks Hijikata who was in Gintoki's body. He lays down on the futon and sees up. He hears the door opening and sits up. You came in the room in your sexy nightwear and Hijikata's mouth opens by itself. "Why does that sugar freak have to have a hot wife like her" he thinks. You sit down right next to him and he moves a little away from you. " What's wrong Gintoki? Why are you so restrained~? In the past you would have raped me in this very moment" you say. "Rape ?!? That horny bastard!" thinks Hijikata angry. " Well ..raped is not the right word ... it's too harmless" you say lost in thought. "Harmless?! Rape is harmless for you ! Yorozuya , what did you do to her?" thinks Hijikata . You shift closer to him and he moves back, away from you. "Man, do something to escape" he say to himself. "(Y/N) I can't do it today , I'm..... on my period" he says. "haa?" you ask confused ".....well even Perverts are sometimes not in the mood" you say and lay down on the futon. "Shimatta! what do I do know, did I hurt her feelings, but ..... isn't it okay to do it with her, after all this is Yorozuya's body and they are anyway married, therefore it's not a problem" hijikata thinks for a long time and jumps on you. "Ahh !" you yell as you were surprised. "(Y/N)!" suddenly the door flies open and Kagura comes in. She goes between you two and lays her head down on your breasts and closes her eyes. "Why did I do that , i am sure its because of that idiot's perverted body that I attacked her, but now I understand that the perm head has Problems too, because of that China girl" thinks Hijikata. .......Idiot....

At the moment at Shinsengumi

"Haah , I'm so horny" says Gintoki in Hijikata's body. "Vice chief?" asks Yamazaki. " Oh nothing, don't mind me. You can go , I must jerk off" says Gintoki. "What?" asks Yamazaki confused. "Nothing! Now go away" says Gintoki and shoves Yamazaki out the room and closes the door. "Okay, now to you ...wait a sec, now that i'm in that mayonnaise freaks body, doesn't it mean that it's his ..... gyaa disgusting, but I don't have a choice" says Gintoki and pulls his pants and underwear down. He begins to jerk off, but stops shortly thereafter. "Something's missing, but what?... ah, I know!" he says to himself and takes the telephone and dials one number. "Hello?" you say as you pick up the phone that's been ringing. "Yeah, that's what was missing , the voice of my (Y/N)" thinks Gintoki and strokes his member harder. "Hello?" you ask again but all you can hear is grunts. "Who is it?" Gintoki hears a voice speaking to (Y/N) and it was his own voice. "I don't know. Nobody talks" you say to Hijikata (who is still in Gintoki's body) and give him the phone. "Hello, Who's this?" asks hijikata. "Hijikata Konoyaro!" shouts Gintoki as he hears his own voice. "Yoroz- .... eto.. it's a old friend of me... hehe " says hijikata to you unsure. "Oh.. Okay, when it's like that...I go to sleep now, come later when you're finished" you say and go to your room. "Teme! Did you try something on my wife?" asks Gintoki angry. "", says hijikata."why did you take so long to answer this" ask Gintoki annoyed. "i'm not like you, i know my limit" says Hijikata laid-back. "You reached your Limit! what did you do to her?" asks gintoki in panic. " You're pain in the ass. I didn't do anything to her even if I wanted do i couldn't, cause china girl was with us " says hijikata annoyed. "Fine... Oogushi-kun where do you keep your tissues?" asks Gintoki. "They are in the second drawer, why do you need that?" asks Hijikata confused. "Oh nothing, it's just that I cummed on your Table and there were some documents. So-" Gintoki was cut off from Hijikata "You hentaiyaro!- 'Beep beep beep' he hang up!" says Hijikata angry and goes to sleep. "Man, I really forgot that Hijikata's in my body with (Y/N). Before I got married i didn't had these Problems.....Luckily Kagura was there, it happened to me before too" says Gintoki to himself.

Time skip

"I didn't think twice and now I am here, i couldn't endure to not see (Y/N)" thinks Gintoki still in Hijikata's body. "Where is everyone?" he asks as he looks around in the Yorozuya and sits down on the couch. You came out of the bathroom in only a towel around you. As Gintoki sees you, he licks his lips while he watches how the water drops fall from your hair along your neck between your breasts. You notice Gintoki (in Hijikata's body) was watching you and signal him to come in your room seductive. "I come. wait a sec! I'm in the body of Hijikata. Does it mean that she has a affaire with him" thinks Gintoki but goes anyhow in your room. You close the door as he was in and move closer to him. "Gintoki?" you ask. "Yes. What is .......wait, did you say Gintoki?" asks Gintoki bewildered." Yes, I did " you say and hug Gintoki. "Wait! how do you know that? who said it to you?" he asks as he pushes you away and cause of that your towel falls from you. Now you stand there naked before him. "No one has to say it to me. I see it in your eyes how you look at me and also you drool" you say to him as you try to cover yourself with your hands."Oh" says Gintoki and wipes his drool from his mouth. "And also you don't give up so easily, even if it was something perverted like last night " you say flustered as you pick up your towel and wrap it around you. Gintoki moves closer to you and wants to kiss you but you hold both of your hands over his mouth "No! Even if you are my husband Gintoki, you are in the Body of Hijikata or do you want Hijikata to touch me. Who knows, maybe he is better than you" you say with a teasing smile. " No way and moreover mine is bigger " he says and you kick his leg. "Ahh! I meant my ....will is bigger" says Gintoki and rubs his leg. "How did you actually switch body with Hijikata?" you ask Gintoki (in Hijikata's body). "I don't exactly remember, but there was an explosion and the next thing I know is that I was in the body of oogushi-kun again. And it looks like I have to jerk him off again" says Gintoki and goes away. "HUH?" you say confused.

( Gintoki x Reader ) Gintoki, a lovely husband - arienai!! ~lemonWhere stories live. Discover now