Bonus Chapter- Class 3Z Ginpachi Sensei special

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Part 2 ~> Beach ! Yay! \(^-^)/

Kagura: (Y/N), are you ready?

You: Wait a sec

Tae: Hurry up!

You: I'm coming!

Shinpachi pov

Why do the girls take so long? And where are the boys? I go to the wardrobe again and see:

Boy 1: Move over i can't see her

Me: You guys! Are you peeping at the girls? What do you do if Ginpachi sensei sees this?

Boy 2: Oh you mean him

I follow his hand and look where he points. I see Ginpachi sensei peeping through a small hole

Me: Sensei!

Boy 1: He is like this forever and he doesn't even let us see through

Boy 2: Come on sensei, we want to see too

Ginpachi: No, I'm not letting anybody else see the body of my (Y/N)!

Me: Sensei! What are you doing?! Are you crazy!? This is wrong, you can't do this.

Ginpachi: Shinpachi-kun, moments like this doesn't happen often, you know that we don't go everyday to the beach. And if you go to the beach, peeping at the girls changing is a must! I know that you want it too. Come and look~

He makes place for me

Boy 1: Oi, why can he look and we can't?

Me: If you force me that much, then i don't have a choice

I see through the hole but see nobody

Me: But Sensei there is no-

As I turn around Ginpachi and the boys weren't there anymore, but the girls with crossed arms are there

Girls: Shinpachi! You hentaiyaro!

Me: It' not what it looks lik-


Readers pov

Ah it's so beautiful here. The cool breeze, the blue sea and a silver permed head between my breasts....huh what? "Ah!" i scream shocked.


Normal pov

Ginpachi is buried in sand, just his head is looking out. Next to him is Shinpachi, buried just like him. Shinpachi looks down and is silent.

Ginpachi: Shinpachi-kun, what are you doing here?"

Ginpachi smiles awkwardly . Shinpachi lifts his head and looks to Ginpachi. 

Shinpachi: You ask me that even though you already know! 

Ginpachi: Now now, don't be angry. It was your fault. It's wrong to peep at girls, that's why you are being punished.

Shinpachi: What?! It was you who peeped at them and I don't even seen anything

Ginpachi: Zzzz

Shinpachi: Oi! Don't act like you're asleep! I know that you are awake!

Shinpachi looks at the sea and sees you and hijikata.

You: ahh! 

You are pushed to the sea by hijikata. Hijikata laughs and doesn't notice that you pull him down. He falls on you, his face fall on your breasts. 

Hijikata: S-s-sorry!

He lifts his face fast up. 

You: It's okay

You say smiling. He looks into your eyes and then to your lips. 

You: Eto hijikata? Can you stand up?

He comes nearer with his mouth to your face, still looking at your lips. Suddenly a hand covers hijikatas mouth.

Ginpachi: what do you think you are doing?!

Shinpachi: Ehhh how and when did he leave from here?

Ginpachi: We are on a school trip and not on a honeymoon

Ginpachi pulls you up to his chest, away from Hijikata.


Shinpachi pov

Most of my classmates were already out of the water. But not me, I'm swimming further away. Because. . . . . . I lost my trunks. Suddenly I hear some noises behind a big rock. I go behind it and see Ginpachi sensei and (Y/N)-san making out - again. But this time it's worser, they are doing it. (Y/N)-sans back is pressed against the rock and her legs are around Ginpachi Senseis body. He is thrusting fast in and out.

(Y/n): Sensei~♡ ahhhn~

I stand in shock and don't move. Ginpachi sensei kisses her and slips his tongue in her mouth. (Y/N) opens her eyes that were closed before and sees me. We are making eye contact.

(Y/n): Mmmh!

She shouts in his mouth and tries to push him away. He removes his lips.

(Y/n): Oi stop!

Ginpachi: Mmh~

He kisses (y/n) again and (Y/n) breaks the kiss

(Y/n): I said stop!

Ginpachi: What why?

(Y/n): Shinpachi sees us

Ginpachi: What where? 

He looks behind him

Ginpachi: There is nobody he says and turns back and continues thrusting

(Y/n): Ahh~ Wait!

Ghinpachi: What? He is not here! I seen shinpachi playing suikawari( Watermelon splitting Game) with the others

(Y/n): What?

Me: What?!?!

In the meantime

Normal pov

Tae: A little bit to the left Kagura

Kagura: And where is left!?

Shouting kagura swings the stick in her hand and hits the watermelon. The melon was smashed but not only that, shinpachis glaßes that was on the melon was destroyed too

Kondo: Shinpachi-kun!! No!!

Back to Shinpachi

Shinpachi: What's this feeling? as if was a part of me destroyed


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