Naughty kids don't become presents from Santa.. (Christmas Special - Part 2)

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I did it! I thought that I couldn't finish it today, but did it! I was lazy to reread it again and check for mistakes. That's why I'm sorry, if you found some mistakes. I going to correct it as soon as I can , maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or a month ....anyway enjoy reading! ^-^


"I can't sleep" you mumble and turn around on the other side. You see a scary face of a woman, who lies next to you with her eyes wide open. The thing was, that she didn't have eyeballs, just blood was flowing out of there. "Ahhhhhh!" you scream scared. "H-huh? wh-what?" says Gintoki who was the only one who woke up. "T-th-there" you say trembling, pointing next to you and hiding your face on Gintoki's Chest. "What? There is nothing" he says scratching his head. "What?" you say confused and turn around and see that the woman was gone. "But it can't be! There was a woman.. blood... no ey-" you say stuttering word for word but are interrupted by your husband. "You're just imagination it, cause you're sleepy. That happens if you don't go to sleep early." he says sweating like crazy. "Whose fault do think is that?!" you shout annoyed. "I'm going to sleep" he says trying to forget what you said. You nervously turn around again and just see Kagura and the others sleeping like a log, not noticing you two. You turn to Gintoki and see that he is comfortable lying wrapped in your Blanket. "Oi!! I'm not going to let you sleep!" you shout and try to pull the blanket from him.

Timeskip - After a few hours

"(Y/n)" whispers Kagura shaking you. "What's wrong Kagura?" you ask rubbing your eyes. "hmm? when did I fall asleep?" you ask yourself. "(Y/n), I have to pee-aru" says Kagura nervous.

"What...ehm..." you say not knowing what to say. "Just pee in one of the corner, it's anyway just ruins." says Gintoki yawning. "Huh? Weren't you asleep." you ask Gintoki surprised. "How can i sleep after you said some kind of horror story to me! I was awake the whole time!" he says blaming you. "A lady can't just pee anywhere-aru" says Kagura ignoring the argument between you two. "Ha? Who is a lady Gah!" says Gintoki mocking and is hit by Kagura. "I think there must be bathroom here, since this was a hotel. We all just have to search every room" you say thinking. "Are you joking! Weren't you the one, who got scared of your own shadow" says Gintoki sarcastic. "It was not my shadow, it was really a ghost that slept next to me!" you say sulking. "Anyway do what you want, I'm not to going to waste my sleeping time to help you" says Gintoki yawning and lies down. "You jerk!" you shout, but then had an idea. " Huh? What was that for a sound?!" you say acting scared. "what?! What sound?" asks Gintoki scared. "Let's go kagura" you say and walk to the door. "Wait! Say what sound you meant, if not I can't fall asleep" shouts Gintoki trembling. You don't answer him and go with Kagura outside the room. Even if it was early morning, it was pitch black inside. You couldn't make out a thing. But it wasn't just normal darkness. You could definitely feel something lurking in the dark. "(Y/n)-chan, we are searching for a while now-aru, but we haven't found anything that even looks a little like a Toilet yet-aru" complains Kagura giving up. "There isn't anything we can do... How about you just pee in one of the room?" you ask Kagura unsure. "No way, how can you say the same as Gin-chan" says Kagura sulking. "Ah there!" you shout pointing to a room. The room looks a little spookier than the others. You both hesitantly go inside and see a washroom. There are 5 cabinets and one sink with a big mirror above. On the wall of the room are bloody handprints."I was never so scared to go the bathroom before" you say trembling. "It looks scary, but all I can think of right now, is the toilet-aru" says Kagura and hurries to one of the cabinet. "I wait here but hurry up. I don't want to scare myself by looking at the mirror" you say standing at the entrance of the room. "Kagura... i don't think you can flush though" you say remembering. "That's one of the least problem now-aru , it doesn't matter to me-aru" says Kagura not caring. "Are you finished yet?!" you shout still scared and want to go back as soon as you can. "Give me just a few second-aru" says Kagura back. Rattle Rattle "I'm finished, stop trying to open the door-aru" says Kagura annoyed. "What do you mean?" you ask confused. Rattle Rattle Rattle Kagura opens the door violently. "You rattled the door the whole time-aru" says Kagura a little annoyed. "Wh-what?! I didn't and it can't be, i was standing here the whole time." you say scared. "What? But who-" asks Kagura but is stopped by you. " You are done, aren't you, then let's go" you say hurrying her. "Wait a second, I wash my hands-aru" says Kagura and opens the faucet. "But Kagura I already told you, that there is no water" you say sighing. "What do you mean? There is water-aru" says Kagura holding some kind of liquid in her hands, showing it to you. "Ka-ka-kagura! I don't think this is water" you say going closer to her. "Wh-what? Ahh! Blooood!" shouts Kagura as she saw it. She dropped it on the ground. "We should go back.." you say shaking Kagura, who is looking at her hands. "Kagura!" you shout and look up at the mirror. "Ka-ka-ka" you stutter and nudge Kagura continuously. "Wha-?!" she shouts looking at the mirror. They see a woman behind them, whose long black hair is blocking her face. "Let's run away (Y/n)" says Kagura, who is the one shaking you this time. "I can't move my feet" you whisper trembling. You two are standing there, still staring at the mirror, frozen. Then you both see a cockroach creeping on the mirror."Ahhhh!" you both scream and run outside the bathroom accidently knocking down the ghost woman. You both are running and not stopping screaming. You arrived at your room where you are staying and ran inside, closing the door with a bang. "Wh-wha?!" shout Gintoki and Shinpachi who are shocked by the loud bang. You crouch down to Gintoki and grab his arm. "Na na! Gintoki, let us go from here, it's early enough. If we stay longer here, I think I would go crazy like that businessmen from the rumor" you say blabbering on. "What? What rumour? what are you talking about?" asks Gintoki confused. "Oh yeah, you don't know about it, actually this is an abandoned haunted hotel" you say tense. "W-w-w-what?!" he shouts freaking out. "We have to go out now!" he shouts and tries to run out the room. "Watch out!" you scream to Gintoki as you see Stones grumbling down. Before he could react, Sadaharu grabs Gintoki with his mouth and runs from the door. The door is now covered with stones blocking the door. "Are you okay?" asks Shinpachi Gintoki who sits on the floor still shocked. "Yeah, I'm fine" he says blinking. "tch" "Oi! Did you say 'tch'!?" asks you Gintoki irritated. "What do you mean? I didn't say 'tch', wasn't it Kagura?" you say then ask Kagura, "huh, what? not me" says Kagura shaking her head. "Anyway...say Gintoki" you say to Gintoki. "W-what" asks Gintoki nervous. "I'm sure that I just imagined it ,but were you trying run away and leaving us behind?" you ask with scary smile. "Nonono. I-I just wanted... to make the way clear." says Gintoki hasty. "(Y/n),Gin-san, that doesn't matter now, we are trapped in this room" says Shinpachi sighing. "Can we never go home now-aru? Do we have to spend the rest our life here-aru? Without even celebrating Christmas-aru" asks Kagura sad looking disappointed. "I already said that we should celebrate Christmas at home and forget about naha, but nobody listened to me." complains Gintoki. "It's not too late to celebrate Christmas!" you shout getting the attention from everyone. " What are you saying, we are trapped here and can't get out to celebrate." says Gintoki confused and uninspired. "Yes (Y/n)-chan, I don't want to accept it, but the dumb Gin-chan said something that wasn't dumb" says Kagura agreeing with Gintoki. "Oi! Who is dumb!" shouts Gintoki outraged. "We can still celebrate Christmas here Kagura!" you say excited. "What?! you want to celebrate christmas in this haunted place. Did you plan to settle in here" asks Gintoki freaking out. "Calm down! I still believe, that we can get out, but we should first of all enjoy our time together as family" you say convincely. Gintoki sighs and asks: "And? How do you want to celebrate it here?" Your face lights up at his question and you jump up and down. "First we decorate this place and then bake a cake" you say happily. "Huh?" the three asks incomprehensible. "But (Y/n), we don't have the right things for decoration and also no christmas tree-aru" says Kagura not knowing what to say. " Don't worry, I have the decoration in my bag and I also have a inflatable Christmas tree" you say proud, taking it out of your bag. "I'm going to bake the cake" you say smiling. "we don't have a oven here and also no ingredients" says Gintoki still unsure of the Idea. "Don't worry, I have the ingredients in my bag! And I also have my new slow cooker with me. It doesn't need any electricity. Isn't it cool" you say showing it to his face with a wide smile. "What bullshit are you carrying around with you every time?!" asks Gintoki unbelievable. "Hey, did you forget that i'm a cook, just because it doesn't stand in the last chapters!" you say forceful. "What? What are you talking about?" asks Gintoki confused. "Forget that... You can be my assistant" you say changing the topic. "Oh.. what a honor" says Gintoki unimpressed. "What about me (Y/n)-chan? How can I help-aru? " asks Kagura excited. "Eh.. you can eat the cake after we're done" you say smiling nervously. "Yay !!" shouts Kagura still excited. "We need about 4 hours to make the cake, can you and Shinpachi decorate the place in the meantime?" you ask Kagura, who nods happily. "What cake are we making?" asks Gintoki a little interested. "I think I have the right ingredients for a Carrot Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting." you say taking the ingredients out. "Eh..But I want strawberry shortcake" says Gintoki complaining. "And I want to hit you, but sometimes you don't get want you want" you say annoyed. "But you hit me everytime!" he shouts exaggerated. "Yeah sometime you just have to believe in it." you say giggling.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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