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My mother calls his mother, saying that Mikey, Brady and I should all get together at Brady's house

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My mother calls his mother, saying that Mikey, Brady and I should all get together at Brady's house. I had never been to Brady's house before and I was pretty excited to go. I met his little dog, who I'll call Tilly. She was a black, fat Chihuahua with a hot pink collar. Brady had said before that she weighed sixteen pounds but needed to weigh eight. I was actually shocked. That was quite a difference in average and not average weight. "Aw." Was all I could manage to say. I mean, it was cute that she was eight pounds over weight and that she was a little black Chihuahua. At his house, I got to meet her. She was shy and she liked to sit on Brady's mom's lap a lot. When my mom parked, Mikey, my mom and I all walked up to the front door. His mom opened the door and Brady was behind her, I think, I can't really remember. But when we all came in, my mom talked to his mom and played with Tilly. Brady, Mikey and I all went upstairs to Brady's older brother's room. I don't really remember what we were even doing in there. But I remember this part where Mikey and Brady left me in his room and said they "had to get something." Shortly after that, Brady's older brother just comes in and I'm sitting on his floor cross legged. We didn't really have a conversation. His brother just sort of accepted my presence. "Brady?" He asked after like five minutes. Brady instantly replies. "What?"
"What's she doing in here?"
I don't really remember if Brady even replied, but he opened his brother's door and escorted me out. I don't remember why I was in there in the first place but while I was, his brother was playing Black Ops Two or something and I just watched. At first, we all wandered around their garage, their kitchen, anything. When Brady, Mikey, his brother and I were all out in the front yard, we were gonna go bike riding somewhere. I vividly remember me sitting on one of their bikes, which of course was too tall for me so I could barely stand on even my toes. I don't know if I just wanted this to happen, but I can remember Brady looking at me, sort of smiling out of the corner of my eye.

The bike ride didn't last long, I think we went around his ridiculously small neighborhood and went back home. "Your house looks like the map Nuke Town from Black Ops." I said once we made it back. "That's comforting." He replied. We sort of laughed and didn't really need anyone to reply after that. We went back inside to the kitchen and he whipped out his super cool iPod four. We watched Epic Sax Guy Battlefield 4, the first time I had ever even seen that video (which later I watched it every day because I loved it so much). We went to his room, his older brother going to his own room. We all kind of just looked around, admiring his PE trophies and stuff. He had a CD, a mix tape of like jazz, the single song "Eye of The Tiger", a few Elvis songs and a few Michael Jackson songs. We later walked to their local pool, with his brother who I guess went to meet his girlfriend or something. I'm gonna stop writing for now because I'm getting sad : )

OKAY, continuing, while we were only in the pool for an hour tops, it was like we were there forever. Not in a bad way. Normally, a good moment could be an hour to a whole day and it'd pass you in a second. But this was different. I don't know why. Honestly, this was one of my best moments in my life. Not gonna lie. At one point, we were all three underwater, checking out some fat guys legs or something and then another time, Brady would literally swim under water to drag either Mikey or me with him. It was pretty scary to be honest, because you literally had no idea it was coming. Finally, my mother came to get us. I wasn't happy, but I accepted that that day was good and that I was grateful for it. We all said we'd get together at our house sometime and as much as I wanted to believe and hope that it'd happen, it never did. I never saw him in person after that.

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