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When all of this was happening with Brady, I kept telling myself that we'd last forever, be with each other until the end

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When all of this was happening with Brady, I kept telling myself that we'd last forever, be with each other until the end. But I was twelve and dreams the size of the earth. Now I'm sixteen, telling myself that I dreamt too much. Dreams that I realize now were too impossible to happen. I do miss him, I really do. I wish I could have what I had with Brady but life doesn't work like that. I do believe that God has someone for me, but when I start to think I like someone, Brady comes to mind and I hate it. I hate every bit of it. Brady, if there's even the slightest chance you're reading this and obviously know it's for you, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being jealous, being an immature twelve year old girl, for spamming you with texts (I'm really not sorry for that), I'm sorry for ruining what we had and if I could, I would have changed the year that we met to this year, but I know it's not what God wants. Know that I miss you almost all of the time and I know you know that for a fact. You probably still think I'm that psycho who wants to be with you all of the time and never really let time heal my broken heart. I know you've moved on, I do, and I respect that, I envy how much you've moved on. I pray all of the time that God rips the memories of us from my mind so when someone says your name or when I see you in suggested users on instagram I'll think of you as just another friend of a friend. Honestly, on Xbox LIVE, you were the only reason I took the time out of my day to get online. I wasn't huge on Minecraft but if you were playing it, then I was gonna join when you invited me. Thank you is all I can say. Thank you for making two years of my life worth living.

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