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So yesterday, my best friend and I were at the mall, and so these guys we knew were there and I was sort of friends with one of them I guess I don't really know. Anyway, we finally got the courage to walk up and say hey and this girl who we both disliked was there, acting like the world revolved around her. We said hey and stuff but that was it, she ignored us after that. Then one guy goes "where's your sister" and MAN WE JUST LAUGHED. She was quite a jerk. I don't know why I said all that because it literally has nothing to do with what I'm about to say. My best friend made me follow Brady on Instagram. I wanted to, but yet I didn't. It wasn't even a huge deal, but yet it was, because this wasn't some guy from school, this was Brady. My stomach felt sick for an hour after that cause I was so nervous. What would he do if he found out? Kill me? To be honest that wouldn't even be the worst, that'd be the best.

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