#2 Injury (Part 2)

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Request from rachel2244  xx

Sarah's POV

My mouth dropped open when I saw EMTs rush to his side. They did their usual performance checking everything before lifting him up on the stretcher and carrying him off the field. Louis rushed by his side, non stop apologizing. My hand was over my mouth as I watched Niall being carried away. I couldn't even function to get words out, I was frozen, shocked more so.

My heart sunk as I saw Niall look back at me and my hand flew over my mouth. I felt a little shove on my shoulder from Lottie, knocking me back into reality.

"Go!" She nudged at me before Niall was completely out of our sight.

"Niall!" Finally words came out of my mouth as I ran to Niall. One of the EMT people tried to stop me but I huffed and pushed past them.

"I'm his girlfriend." I grumble and they nodded backing off.

"Mate, I'm so sorry." Louis frantically apologized and I could see it in his eyes.

We walked out to where the ambulance truck was, in the parking a lot and I already saw a crowd of people just waiting there.

"It's ok, it was my fault the way I came at you." Niall tried to smile to Louis, and I could just see the pain in his eyes.

I grabbed onto his hand and walked with them up the ambulance truck.

"The fans." Niall mumbled nudging his head in the direction of the crowd that was growing bigger by each second.

"Don't worry security, will hold them off." I smiled and gave Niall a kiss trying to calm him.

"We'll meet you at the hospital." I gave Niall another kiss but he didn't let my hand go.

"Sarah, don't leave me."

"I'm not leaving you Niall I will meet you-"

"Don't leave me please. I need you. Right now." I could hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes, so I nodded.

"Okay, yeah of course love." We climbed into the truck and I didn't let Niall's hand go.

"You'll be okay." I nodded my head and pushed my hair out of face.

"I love you Sarah." Niall kissed my hand and I tried to hold in my tears. But it hurt so bad to see him like this and knowing I can't do anything. It hurt to hold everything in so I let it out.

"I love you too." I said through my tears and breathed in deeply, wiping them away.

"Baby don't cry. It's probably just a little bruise that will go away by tomorrow. I love you, I'll be ok, we'll be ok." He smiled at me and I nodded.

I didn't nod because I believed him-that everything will be ok- I nodded because I felt so sad and scared all of a sudden and I just need to move. I felt stiff and broken down and I need him to know I'm here for him no matter what.

"I'm here for you Ni, and I-I love you." I hiccuped and the truck stopped.

The doors swung open and my eyes squinted at the bright light coming from outside.

Suddenly Niall was being pulled away from me out of the truck by the EMTs so I sprung up following where they took Niall inside the hospital.

They wouldn't let me go pass the double doors in the ER which I supposed led to where they would see what's really going on.

I wiped away my tears and ran my fingers through my hair. I took a seat and buried my face into my hands letting all emotions fall out onto the palm of my hand.

All I could do was pray to god he'll be okay and that this won't be it for his knee. I felt a soothing, secure rub on my shoulder and that's when I looked up and saw Harry.

"Harry." I stood up and he wrapped his arms around me without saying a word.

Harry and I were close, got along with everything. Liked all the same things and hated all the same things. He was my best friend and at times like these all I want is my best friend.

One thing that was definitely a bonus about having Harry as a best friend is, he'll drop everything and come be by your side just make sure your okay. It doesn't matter what it is, he wants you to be happy and see you smiling knowing everything is well. And when things weren't well like times like these, Harry was someone you could count on. 

"Shhh it's ok, he'll be ok. Just stop your crying." Harry rubbed my back as I cried into his chest.

When I was calmed down we sat down, I leaned on his shoulder.

"Louis called me and told me the come and Liams is on his way." I nodded in his shoulder where my head was currently hiding from all the flashes that were coming from outside.

"How the fuck did they get here? They have no fucking respect, if someone was dying they'd be up your ass to take pictures. For fuck sake." I sighed and Harry chuckled rubbing my back.

"Sarah, Niall's going to be okay because he's strong and so are you. You'll both get through this. I bet you buy tomorrow he'll be back to his food eating-self again." Harry smiled at me and I laughed resting my head on his shoulder.

"I hope so."

HAHAH NOT OVER YET!! What do you think is going to happen to Niall? Part 3 is coming.

SOTT has me dead IT'S SO GOOD I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Harry's solo work is coming along really nicely and I can't wait to hear more of it.

I love you all thanks for always reading

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