#13 A lost case pt.1

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When you're dating Shawn Mendes but Niall has/had deep feelings for you ever since you met 2 years ago.
Setting: Toronto, Canada

Niall's POV
Tonight was the big night for my mate Shawn, not only was he performing at Rogers Center but this was his first stadium. Sold out. Of course I'm so happy for him but it's so hard to be happy around him when he's dating the girl I'm in love with.

I met Y/N at an after party for some award show and at the time she was sort of single. She was Shawn's date but more as friends. Meaning we both knew she had feelings for Shawn but she wasn't ready to admit it to herself, rather him. I've always tried to be the best friend I could to her and always be there for her. There's been times when I'm just like

fuckin hell Niall tell her how you feel.

But everytime I would come face to face with her I just shut down.

I was always in the middle of them, being good friends with both. Shawn would crush about her to me and Y/N would do the same until one day I just told Y/N how Shawn feels and she almost died on my kitchen floor. I remember it so clearly because it was in that moment when I realized- she really saw me as a brother and it broke me.

But now sitting in the audience with Y/N while we watch Shawn sound check I'm getting those bundle of nerves every time I see her laugh or smile at something Shawn did.

"Niall, are you coming out with us to dinner after the show? You have to." Brian, Shawn's best friend asked me.

Y/N nodded at me with her beautiful smiled obviously making my heart go ballistic.

"Yeah why not."

"Yes, I can't wait to catch up bro. We haven't seen each other in like ages."

"I know, can't wait"

Alessia Cara was on killing it as usual, Shawn and Y/N were cuddled up on the couch as usual and I was sitting in the chair on my phone trying not to look at Y/N.

"I can't believe I'm here like we're actually doing this holy shit." Shawn kisses the side of Y/N head and she looks up at him with her precious smile.

"I know. You did it Shawn and I'm so fucking proud of you. I can't wait till you do this again, and again. You work so hard and you deserve this and more." Y/N gives Shawn a kiss and that's when I look away.

I'm genuinely really happy for Shawn everything Y/N said was true. I can't just mope around and be bitter because I don't have Y/N. Which is why I even decided to come because sometimes, even thought this is really hard, you have to put your feelings aside and just support a friend. I know how Shawn is feeling right now because I remember when the boys and I played here for the first time after is being sold out. It was mad.

"Niall were you as crazy as Shawn is being now when you first performed here?" Y/N laughed looking towards my directions.

"I mean yes but this is Toronto his, home so I don't blame him." I laughed setting my phone on my thigh.
~On Stage~

Shawn has just finished 'Where were you in the morning' and the stadium went black but the lights when back on when he started playing the melody to Fallin' All in You on his guitar.

Niall Horan Imagines 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat