#9 I love you no matter what (Part 1)

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I updated this when I got back to America.


Request are closed for a while until further notice.

A request from hannah_kuntz

Hannah's POV

It was another night of Niall and I arguing over the fact whether the rest of the boys liked me or not. Niall keeps claiming they like me but based of the attitude towards me it seems as if they don't.

It really sucks because I don't know what I could have done. I tried to think of so many things I might have done wrong but nothing seems right and I'm starting to get irritated.

"Niall, stop telling me they like me because it's pretty obvious they don't! I don't want things to be like this with them. I've tried my absolute hardest to be kind with them and just be me but they obviously don't like that. So no, I'm sorry babe but I won't go with you to dinner with them Friday night." I said sitting down on the couch. Niall came and sat next to me putting my legs on his lap.

"I can't go without you there. Please baby, please." Niall stuck his bottom lip out causing me to giggle.

"Listen, it's only Monday give me time to think about and I'll let you know how I feel. But for now I just wanna cuddle." I smiled and Niall rubbing my legs.

"Hannah I would feel just so much better if you came with me though." Niall said.

"Oh my god Niall I'm done talking about- oh- oh my god." My sentence was caught off by me gagging. I ran to the bathroom throwing up all my dinner.

I continued to throw up feeling like this was a never ending. I felt Niall's hand rub my back softly kissing the back of my neck.

"Jeez love, I didn't know me talking about this made you so annoyed to the point your throwing up!" Niall laughed and I wanted to laugh but couldn't.

It finally stopped and Niall handed me a rag and helped me up.

"I don't even know where that came from." I said grabbing my tooth brush.

"Yeah, you feeling okay? You've been throwing up a few times this week and now I'm starting to get concerned. I'll take your temperature." Niall said.

"I just feel nauseous still and light headed." You sighed.

"Your temperature is 96.8 so it's fine you don't have a fever or anything. Wouldn't it be something if you were pregnant." Niall joked and I laughed.

"Oh god, not yet." I giggled.

"Finish cleaning yourself up and I'll go make you some tea and we can cuddle and then watch Shameless." Niall smiled at me knowing that was my favorite show.

"Thank you." I smiled and Niall kissed my temple before walking out of the bathroom.

I rinsed my mouth out and then patted my mouth with a cloth. I couldn't help but remember how Niall joked about me being pregnant. Thinking about it more and more made me remember my period is 14 days late.

I got crazy butterflies thinking that I just might be pregnant.

"Oh my god." I sighed to myself before walking out the bathroom and turning the lights off.

Niall Horan Imagines 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz