#12 3am Sickness

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Um hi❤️
It's been so long since I've been on here, like forever and I really apologize!! I had so much going on in my life with family and school and had to prioritize. I didn't even feel like I had anything to write about. What you're about to read has been sitting here since last year and I just kind of abandon it until now. I don't want to say I'm going to start updating again regularly like I use to but here and there I'll update. I just wanted to say, I'm over one direction but I'm not over one direction lol. Anyways I really am sorry if I disappointed or upset anyone and I love you all❤️ 
Also if you have any requests send me a message and I'll get back to you!!
Enjoy xx

Niall's POV

I couldn't sleep right with Y/N's body clinging onto mine the entire night. She felt really hot and her face was clammy, which was concerning me. My back was to her so I turned over to face her and little hairs were sticking to her sweaty forehead. Her face looked pale and I noticed how she kept shaking lightly.

I rubbed my sleepy eyes and pulled her in closer to me rubbing circles on her back. I pushed the hair out of her face and placed a soft kiss on her forehead causing her to stir a little in her sleep.

"Y/N? Wake up." I whispered to her lightly and she curled up more into my chest. 

Fuck, she's adorable.

Fuck, she's adorable

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"Come on, love. Wake up. You're sweating a lot." I lifted her head up a little from my body and slowly her eyes pealed open.

"What?" She said quietly with her raspy-sleepy voice. She looked up at me and I could practically see the sleep in her eyes.

"You feel unusually warm. Are you feeling okay?" I cleared my throat and sat up a little.

She sat up with me, still clung to me.

"I feel like crap and now I feel nauseous." She mumbled kicking the sheets off her a bit.

"Okay let me go get you something." I pushed the sheets off of me and that's when she placed her hand around my waist.

"No, I need you to stay here. I need to cuddle with yeh." Y/N weakly spoke, with a little devious smirk.

My heart.

"You're annoying but I love you I guess." I joked and she just held my hand closing her eyes.

"I love you, babe." Y/N said with such tiredness in her voice.

"I love you too darling." I sighed feeling tired myself. She kept rubbing my hand and holding on tightly as if I would ever let go.

"Hey, you want some of the new tea I just bought? I want you feel better. I promise I'm gonna cuddle ya and be right back." I whispered to her and placed a little kiss on her ear.

"Fine." She spoke with such softness.

When I returned back up stairs with her tea, some pills, just in case, and a water on a tray she was back asleep peacefully with my pillow to her side.

I smiled at the sight and her sleeping figure trying my best not to wake her. I went to her bedside placing the tray down on her night stand.

I got in next to her, wrapping my arms around her and checked the time.


I hear her muffle something against the pillow and she turned over, facing me.

"I have your tea and some pain relief." I sat up picking up the tray, placing it on my lap for her.

"Aw thank you Ni. You're the best ya know." She took a pill and rested her head on my arm.

"Do you want some tea?" I removed the tea bag and placed it on a napkin for her.

"Yes please."

I handed her the mug carefully and she sat up taking small sips. When she was done she placed it back down on the tray and I put the tray to the side.

"I'm starting to feel better just from that, thank you love." She smooshes my cheeks and I laugh at her cuteness.

"Goodnight Y/N"

"Night babe"

Moments like these.

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