#6 Slow Hands

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Request from infinity20231993

Ella: 6 months

"Hi baby, is daddy going to clean your dipper are you going to get all clean." I smiled down at Ella who I was rocking in my arms slowly.

Niall got out the baby wipes and as soon as I put her on the changing table screams left her lips. I frowned and hooked my finger in her hand and gave her cheek a kiss.

"It's okay muma's here, daddy's just going to change your diaper." You handed Niall and clean diaper and he thanked you before quickly strapping it on.

"All done princess." Niall picked Ella up and suddenly she stopped crying. You laughed and wiggled her leg.

"Were you fooling muma and daddy, uh?" You smiled and she squealed.

"I'm going to go make dinner, can you help me?" Niall asked you and started to walk out the room.

"Yeah." You responded and followed him out.

You watched as Niall held Ella close to his chest humming a song that she loved while he rubbed her back.

He kissed her head and she started to doze off so you put her in her rocking chair. You put the setting on slow so it wouldn't wake her up.

Niall bought the rocking chair into the kitchen and put it on the small table. Her head was lying back, her eyes were shut closed and her lips were slightly parted. Being a mum this was the best thing to see, your baby sleeping peacefully.

"Should I make a salad?" Niall asked and you nodded as you were completely focused on Ella.

Ella stretched out her arms in a needy manner and started to cry. She kicked her legs and cried holding out her arms.

"Bubba, what's wrong?" You pouted at her and picked her up. She continued to scream and whine as you bounced her on your hip.

"Maybe she's hungry." Niall suggested.

You shook your head and walked over to the fridge to get her bottle.

"I fed her like 30 minutes ago, she's just tired I bet." You sighed and pulled out her bottle from the shelf. You heated it up in the microwave for 15 seconds to warm it up.

"She's been doing this all week, like crying after dipper changes, being fed or taking naps. And I give her all my attention and I try so hard to be a good mom, but I don't know if anything I'm doing is good enough." You said and Niall stopped what he was doing and wrapped his arms around you and Ella.

"You're such a good mum. The best, Y/N. I couldn't imagine having a child with anyone else besides you because you make being a mum look so easy. You also make an amazing wife and I love you, you have my heart and I have yours." Niall gave you a kiss and you're heart melted with pure happiness and love.

"And you stinky. I love you princess don't ever forget that. Mummy and daddy love you no matter what you do in life." Niall grinned at Ella and gave her a kiss. She stopped crying for a moment and started to squeal into your ear instead causing you to jerk away.

"Here I'll take her, get her bottle love." Niall took Ella out of your arms and you took the bottle from the microwave. You handed him the bottle and she started to suck on the nipple.

"I'm starving, Ni." You groaned and rested your head on his shoulder as he fed Ella. He nuzzled his head against yours and looked down at Ella with the biggest smile on his face.

"You make a pretty hot dad too." You smirked and kissed his neck.

Niall laughed and pulled the bottle away from Ella's lips because she made a face.

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