#10 I love you no matter what (part 2)

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Sarah's POV

"Hey mate." Louis smiled.

Niall greeted the boys while I stood behind him feeling not in place. I saw Liam at me but quickly looked away when i caught his eye.

I looked down at my feet feeling awkward. I feel someone place their hand on my back gently and i jump slightly.

I half smile when i see harry apear in front of me.

"Come on say hi," He smiled and led me to the couch where Louis and Liam sat.

They both smiled at me and Liam stood up to give me a hug.

Course that took me by surprise but i was quick to hug him back.

"Hi guys, how are you." I said sitting down next to Liam.

"I'm actually doing great love, how about you." Louis replied with a smirk.

I took a deep breath remembering that I'm pregnant.

I replied with a simple, "I'm well."

We've been at Harry for a few hours now and the more I'm here talking with them the more comfortable I'm feeling.

I learned that Louis and I share a very similar fashion sense and that we also enjoy the same kind of music. I started to feel much more comfortable with him and everyone else, which made me very happy.

Being able to feel like this around Niall's fiends is all I ever wanted.

Louis and I were sat on one side of the couch talking about his upcoming ideas for his career and it was all great.

I felt Niall tap my shoulder which made me look up at him. I smiled when I saw him holding his hand out to me.

"Yeah?" I asked him as he helped me up.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" I glanced back at Louis who nodded with a smile.

"What's up babe." I asked him as he pulled me out of the sitting area we were all in.

"Nothing I'm just very glad to see you talking with everyone. It makes me happy and I told you, you had nothing to be afraid of. See what happens when you just listen to me." Niall smirked and I rolled my eyes at him.

I was lighting holding on to his finger which are slowing moving back in forth. "I know, Louis and I have so much in common he's really cool, funny too." I said and Niall cupped my face.

"Well I'm happy your happy."  Niall grind and pecked my lips.

"Come on I want to finish my conversation with Louis." I grabbed his hand and we started walking back.

Just before we entered the room Niall quickly whispered, "I wanna hurry home soon so we can finish where we left off." I looked back and laughed at him.

He pouted at my laughter which only made me laugh more. "No." I scuffed.

Niall held onto my hand and ran his thumb softly over. He furrowed his eyebrows and look me in the eyes thinking about something, I could tell

"What is it?"

"I think we should tell the boys, now." He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth and gave me this look.

"I- I don't know? Should we?" I really felt that it was too early and Niall and I didn't plan for this to happen- it just happened. That's was bothers me, I didn't plan for a baby and I don't want to be a shitty mum because of it.

"I feel fucked up because in a way this was an accident. Niall, we didn't want to have a baby right now. Think about it, and i don't want to bring someone into this world knowing that it wasn't bought here on purpose. I would feel like such an awful person. I don't want to be a bad mum, I want to be the best mum." By this point a few tears were streaming down my cheeks and Niall wiped them away and pulled me into his arms. He kissed the side of my dead and rubbed my back.

I'm pretty sure the boys heard my cries but I honestly didn't care by this point.

Before Niall could say anything I heard Louis voice. "Is it true?" He softly asked.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't ease dropping, I was coming to check up on you guys cause it's been a while and then I heard what Sarah say. I didn't mean to listen, it just happened." Louis face was a light shade of red and he looked down.

"It's okay Louis just- uh I don't know this entire thing is so fucked up I feel like so stupid." I cried harder into Niall's chest and he just held me.

I felt Louis rest his hand on my shoulder in comfort. "I just wanted to say I know Liam, Harry and I have been like weird and awkward towards you and it's only because Niall doesn't ever bring girls around and when we first met you were saw how happy you guys were and I guess we didn't know how to handle that. I'm really sorry we never meant to be shitty purposely we were just being stupid. But now, after tonight I actually think you're pretty cool and I hope you come around more often because I think we could be really great friends." Louis smiled at me so nicely and it made me feel so much better.

"Oh and you're not stupid btw this baby was a blessing to you guys. You'll be great mum, I don't know about you Niall but Sarah you're gonna be fine." Louis chucked causing us to laugh a bit.

"I actually feel better, thank you Louis." I gave him a hug and then I turned to Niall.

"So what are we gonna do, keep it?"

"Of course"

*Not Edited*

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