Off To The Leaf Village

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No One's POV

"Good morning everyone~! Did they give them yet? Was I too late again?" A cheerful girl's voice rang throughout the room, interrupting the teacher as she sat down in her seat.

Today is they get assigned their squad. The numbers were uneven and so one group got an extra person.

"As I was saying," the teacher continued, "the last group, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro and.... Akane." He finished and told them that they'd meet with their new instructors after lunch.

Akane's POV

I let out a sigh of relief. Thank kami, I got here just in time. Hmm, what a coincidence, I'm on his team am I? I stood up and left the building. I began walking down the dusty path from the store when I was stopped in front of the school entrance.

"Hey," someone from behind me called and I turned around to see my three new teammates.

"Hello." I greeted with a smile and they all looked me over.

"Thought we should introduce ourselves." The blonde girl said with a smile and I grinned.

"Why?" I asked as I chewed on my sweet bread. "I already know who you are. You're Temari," I pointed "He's Kankuro and..." I pointed to the guy with a cat eared hood on his head "...hello again, Gaara." As expected, he just looked at me. "I'm Akane. Hope we can all get along." I said before going back into the school.

'This is really yummy' I thought as I ate my lunch.

The three of them are exceptionally strong where as I don't have a clue why I'm with them. I mean, I wouldn't say I'm weak, but in my opinion, I'm nowhere close to their level. They're the best genin in the sand village and I think I'm more with the moderate level at best. But I guess I'll have to try and train even harder!

When lunch was over we met our new instructor, Baki sensei.

~~~~*!!Time Skip!!*~~~~

A while's passed since I was put in a squad with the sand siblings. I've trained everyday and we all became good friends. Well... almost all. Since Gaara pushed me away that day, whenever I saw him around I'd approach him, but he'd just ignore me and, being my persistent self, I kept on trying to talk with him. He would always just avoid me and I never really understood why or what I'd done wrong. I still don't really know anything. He's still pushing me away! Is it really too much to ask for a reason?!

Anyways, tomorrow we're all going to Konohagakure, the hidden leaf village, for the chunin exams. It seems like a lot of fun so I can't wait. I have to get plenty of sleep. It hasn't happened in a while so just to be on the safe side I should sleep early today.

I slowly awoke to the sound of chirping birds and made a quick stop before going to the front entrance. It was important, I had to let him know. As I stepped up to the one with his name I smiled. Just smiled. For a while I just stared at it, unable to say anything, but I managed eventually.

"....I'm leaving today.... I.. I swear to complete our promise......." I looked off at the dirt path "..Be seein' ya pops," I said before heading off.

On my way to the entrance, I wiped a stray tear from my cheek.

'Only looking forward!'

Kankuro's POV

"She's taking forever~" Temari groaned, "you think she's skippin' out on us?" I looked over her concerned expression and Gaara's usual stone one.

"She'll be here. She had me hold onto something for just in case." It wasn't long after that, that she came flying towards us and almost fell on her face. She caught her balance just in time and tried to play it off with her usual cheerful expression "Haha! You klutz!"

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