Greetings Mr. Raven

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Akane's POV

I told them about the necklace and looked at the large crack down the center of the eye on my amulet. After making dinner I went back to the forest. I was a few feet away from the posters I'd put up.

At least I know what I'm working on today. I grabbed a kunai knife from my bag and carved a letter into five trees. I did a few basic exercises (push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks etc.) then I did a bit of taijutsu with the large stump of a poorly chopped down tree. Finally I did a last few stretches and began. I did the hand signs and tried to land at point C, but ended up at A. Then I tried for point B and ended up in D. I was trying all night and till almost the middle of the afternoon but still couldn't get it. Finally I tried for A and ended up surrounded by a bunch of tall stacked rocks and dusty... everything.

"Where the hell am I now?!" I shouted, frustrated at the world, while angrily waving my arms around before I started walking (this is how you know I'm mad, I swear, I mean, not a lot but I do. Though there are three words I'd never say, even in anger and those are: the f-word, the s-word and most of all the b-word). "Isn't this a canyon? We saw this place on the way, right?" I asked myself as I looked around and then heard a loud crash up ahead. I reflexively hid behind one of the stacked rocks and peeked at what the noise was. Oh. The guy from before...what was his name again...? Oh right, Sasuke the famous Uchiha that everyone in the village is talking about. Everyone's looking forward to his fight... (I always heard things when I was out getting things from the market).

I masked my chakra cause I didn't wanna get yelled at for spying, even if it was accidental. I watched as he sat down, out of breath, before turning away and let out a small sigh. 'It's about time I get going..' I tried my jutsu again...

I was still in the canyon for some reason... I looked around to see Sasuke's teacher looking at me with shocked (for only a moment though) eyes and then downward. "Oh... u-uhm.. G'morning!" I said  trying to brush off my intrusion.

"Hey!" I heard Sasuke's voice but I couldn't see him when I looked around. "Get off me!" I looked down to see I accidentally landed on Sasuke's stomach.

"Oh, that's where you were. Greetings Mr. Raven. How's it goin'?" I asked him with a grin and he pushed me off of him.

I did a few rolls before flopping onto my face in the dirt. I sat on my knees and wiped my face, "That was so rude." I said before something caught my attention and I looked at an almost completely shattered boulder. I glanced at the out of breath raven and took off my bag. I stood up and walked over to him.

I pulled out a water bottle and held it out to him, "Here ya go." He took it and drank the whole thing at once. I went over to his teacher and held one out to him too, "You want one, Mr. Sensei?" He hesitated when taking it, "It's alright I've got like five more." I told him and he fully took it from me

"Thank you," he said and I told him it was nothing. "Now then, who are you?"

"She's with the sand," Sasuke said in such a disrespectful tone.

"Hey! Someone who can't even say a simple 'thank you' has no right to butt in on other people's conversations, Birdie!" I told him and looked back at the teacher guy. "I'm with the sand. Name's Akane. And you are?" I introduced while holding out my hand and he shook it.

"Kakashi" he said and I nodded.

"Why're you here?" Sasuke asked, finally standing up.

"Well, ya see, I was in the middle of training and just sorta... ended up... here.." I sheepishly spoke and he raised an eyebrow at me. "What? I was, promise! A~anywho, what're you guys doing?" I asked and Sasuke told me they were also training so I asked if I could watch.


"But why not?" I asked.

"Because no."

"That's not a real answer."

"I said no and that's how it's gonna stay."

I angrily puffed up my cheeks, "Fine then" I did the hand signs and yet I was still in the canyon. I was only a few meters away from them and could still see them clearly! "DAMN IT!!" I shouted and tried again. This time I was outside of the hotel. I am mentally exhausted so I refuse to try that again. I just walked and when I got there, I made myself something to eat.

A/N: Sorry This chapter was so short. Ran out of things to say for it.

Thanks for reading!! Keep it up!! ^,^ I love and appreciate you all!!! ^,^

I promise it'll get more interesting if you do...

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