The Forest Of Death: What An Interesting Name

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I was seriously about to break into tears before something occurred to me. 'These questions..... If you're caught three times....if you're caught......a riddle? Let's see, we get three chances, on an ordinary test you'd be thrown out immediately. So..... If you're caught.... brains translation is as.. as long as......Oh!! We just can't get caught! They must've put some in with the rest of us that already have the answers.'

I shut my eyes and activated my special jutsu. I scanned the room and found one that was already filled out. I began writing down the answers and when I finished, I put down the pencil de-activated my jutsu and sat back in my seat with a sigh.

I looked around the room and saw Gaara seemed to be doing fine and I let Temari look at mine. Kankuro is in the bathroom so there's pretty much nothin' I can do about him. I saw that the guy from earlier, Sasuke, he was smirking about something as he jot down words onto the paper. The girl from earlier looks like she's doing okay too where as Naruto seemed to be... seriously struggling.

Soon enough Kankuro came back but that guard that escorted him out looked a bit... off somehow. Nevermind that, when Kankuro sat down I nudged him and he looked at me and then down at my paper. He smirked and I sat back. I shut my eyes and fell deep into my mind and stayed like that until I was brought back to reality by a loud crash! I looked to see some lady standing in front of a large hole in the wall.

'What just happened?!' The next thing I knew, we were all standing outside a forest holding waivers. "What's this again? I think I zoned out... a lot.." I admitted and Kankuro explained everything to me.

'The forest of death huh? What an interesting name............... I'M IN! This is what I trained for after all.'

No One's POV

As they were all signing their sheets of paper someone was keeping a close eye on the sand's team.

Once she was finished going over her waiver again, Akane went over to the group from before. "Hello~ Naruto, Sasuke and.... I'm sorry, what was your name?" She asked the pink haired girl

"Sakura." She said and Akane gave her a wider smile than the one permanently plastered on her face.

"Hello Sakura." She turned to face them as a group, "I just came over to wish you all the best of luck." She happy-go-luckily said, "You guys'll do great I just know it!"

"Thanks a lot," Sakura told her.

"And I'm sure--" Akane began but was quickly cut off.

"Hey! Akane. What're you doing over there? Anyways, Let's go. We're about to start." Temari called.

"Okay. I'll see ya guys on the other side!" Akane waved before scurrying off to the rest of her team.

The gates flew open and everyone rushed in. LET THE SECOND HALF OF THE EXAMS BEGIN!!!

They continued going until they reached a large open area, surrounded by trees and bushes. We all stopped for a while and a group came out of nowhere.

"Give us your scroll." One of them demanded and the others looked the poor saps over.

It wasn't long after that, that they really got into it.

Akane's POV  

Gaara began toying with them but I was facing away from it all. More groups had arrived to take us on as well. I can't deal well with blood. Think what you will but I just can't; nothing good ever comes from it. I started to cough a little but muffled it so no one else could hear it. I began feeling some more unfamiliar chakra.

'Eye of all.' I activated my jutsu and scanned the area. Oh boy... Two guys, a girl and... oh my kami they have a dog! Alright then i'll be back before they even realize my absence. I performed the hand signs and like the air I was no where to be seen. I stood behind them quietly after reappearing.

"No way..." The guy with the dog on his shoulder whispered as they all looked through the shrubs at my team, "That's unreal." I squat down where I stood and silently looked at them for another moment.

"Enjoying the show?" I asked and two of the three almost jumped out of their skin.

I coughed again before smiling at them. The scent blood is getting thicker by the minute. "He~ere doggy. Come here please~." I called and the dog leaped into my arms. I began petting him as the humans all looked at me. "My friend over there seems to be playing with his food again. I would very highly suggest you guys leave before he gets to you."

"Why.. why're you telling us this?" The girl whispered and I grinned.

"It'd be best if people as cute as you three.." I lifted up the dog and rubbed my nose on his "and this adorable little guy didn't die here. It'd be such a waste, plus I'd rather you four made it to the other side. So please get going." I told them as I placed the dog back on the guy with the face marks' head.

"Before you go though, do you want our scroll? The guys Gaara's with have the same one so it's fine." I said taking it from my pouch and holding it out to them. It seems they've got the same one so I put it away, "Oh well then. See ya guys again soon!"

They hurried away and I went back to my spot behind Gaara. He was finally finishing up with them using his special 'sand coffin' and Temari and Kankuro both checked them for the heaven scroll. Once it was acquired all that's left now is to take it to the building.

"Ga~ara" I called and he looked at me. I pulled on his arms and he held them like that and I jumped in his arms "carry me the rest of the way, please." I said and he glared at me before dropping me on my butt.

He started walking and I stood up. I coughed a little again. "Kankuro, can you carry me? I need to take a short nap. it's really important." He swept me off my feet with a 'sure' and I dozed off.

Kankuro's POV

I wonder what happened. I mean, it's not like she did anything but she doesn't seem like her usual self. Whatever the case I guess I still technically owe her. When we got to the building we got settled after opening the scrolls and then Akane got up after a pretty long time. By the time she'd woken up, the other teams were here already. Temari woke her up, as usual, and they announced the third part of the exams. This is where we're really gonna be put to the test.

We all went home and got ready for tomorrows test. We were all eating something Akane whipped up for us and once she was done she went straight to her room. Something is definitely off with her.

She doesn't really tell us anything so... I mean, whatever I guess.

All that matters now is getting through this exam!

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