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Temari's POV

It's been almost a week since I've seen Akane. For some reason our fridge was fully packed and her bag along with a lot of her stuff was missing. I wondered what happened to her and asked the guys if they knew of her whereabouts. They both said they had no clue and I became worried.

I mean, Akane can handle herself but I still feel really uneasy about her not telling us where she was going. It's not like we're her parents or anything but we would've been more easy about it if she'd told us.

Kankuro's POV

Apparently Akane's gone missing. Temari said her stuff was gone so that means she left willingly. Her food's not the same when you have to heat it up. I wonder why she left in the first place.

Temari's silently freaking out but still keeping her composure and my idiot brother appears to be completely unruffled. I though that of us all he'd be the most worried but I can't say this is the first time he's surprised me.

He can be so dense.

Gaara's POV

So she's gone huh? I was wondering why it seemed so quiet lately. She's usually pestering me or being unnecessarily loud over the simplest of things.

Oh well, I don't see why everyone's so worried, she'll be fine.

Akane's POV

I was lying on my back in the middle of the grass trying to catch my breath. "I... have t-.... I have..to... t-tr..try. I have to try again!" I spoke in between breaths and forced myself to get up.

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