I'm Gonna Call You Mr. Whiskers!!

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I went to make a long awaited, but frequently forgotten about, visit. As I was walking I looked around at all of the familiar but fading streets. When I arrived at my destination I adjusted my bag strap and knocked on the door. "Come in" I heard from the other side and went in with a look of excitement and joy. I happily ran over to his desk "Gramps!" I gave him a big hug and he returned it.

"Akane, you've grown so much"

"Well yeah, it's been like seven years. How've you been?"

"Working as usual"

"Don't work too hard now"

"I dunno, with these exams I might just have to work even harder"

"Well just don't do anything that'll hurt yourself" I told him.

"Yes yes..... so how have you been doing?" He asked me with a sad expression. "So you've heard?" I asked him and he gave a brief nod. "I'm.... still not healed but um, I'll survive for him...."

"Well that's good" he said and I remembered something and began digging through my bag. I pulled out a box and handed it to him. "For you" I told him and he opened it. "I brought you dango! Eat it! It's yummy! I heard nothing but good things about it! Come on! Come on!" I urged him to take a bite of it. "I've never had it before so can I eat it with you?" I asked and he handed me one.

We ate it together and it turned out to be a lot better than it looked. "So has anything really super duper mega interesting happened since we left?" I asked him and he told me nothing that interesting happened and we caught up for a while.

When I left it seemed to be a little after the middle of the afternoon. I took a walk and saw Naruto yelling at some old man. "Hey! Whatcha doin over there?" I went over to where he was and heard the the old man ask "who's this? Your girlfriend?" Naruto blushed as he frantically denied the accusation and I couldn't help but laugh.

When I stopped I looked at Naruto who was soaking wet. "What were you doing that you're dripping everywhere?"

"I'm training."

"Cool, can I watch?" I asked and he grinned up to his ears and said sure so I sat down and quietly observed. I watched as he fell in the water time and time again "why's he keep falling in? It seems easy enough..." I commented and the man from before looked at me "would you like to try little lady?" he asked and I looked over at him "Hey pervy sage! Pay attention over here! I almost got it! Watch!"

"Pervy sage? So that's what you're called?" I asked him "well...not exactly..."

"Well then pervy sage, i'm Akane, nice to meet ya and yes I will gladly give it a go." I promptly shook his hand before standing up and going over to where Naruto had fallen in. "Are you okay?" I asked helping him out and he began grumbling something. "You mind if I join you? I could help you out." I offered and he looked confused for a bit.

He said he didn't mind if I joined him but he wanted to get it on his own. I told him I understood and pulled off my overall sleeves letting them fall to my sides, but don't worry, I am wearing a shirt. Looking at the water for about a minute or two. It seems for this technique you need focus and control. I concentrated my chakra to the soles of my feet and stepped onto the water and it felt a little like walking on pillows. I felt really unsturdy when I first started walking and then I gradually became better.

"You already learned this?" Pervy sage asked and I told them it was my first time attempting this. I am simply a fast learner. In the end I fell in like twice after losing my balance and when night began to fall there was a separation. Pervy sage said he was gonna go and do some 'research' whatever that means and so Naruto and I were left on our own.

"I've gotta head back soon but today was pretty entertaining" I told him and we began mindlessly chattering when I realized something and stopped walking.

"Hm..what's the matter?" He curiously asked and I began counting on my fingers "I just realized... I don't have a nickname for you yet. Let me see here... Temari's Wind princess, Kankuro's Puppet master, Sakura's Little flower, Sasuke's Mr. Raven, Hinata's Little bunny..then there's Pervy sage and Gramps... I don't seem to have one for you yet. I'm sorry" I apologized and he said it was alright but it didn't sit well with me to leave him out so I stood there examining him until a light bulb turned on.

"I've got it! From this moment on, you will forever be known as... drum roll please... MR. WHISKERS!!!"

We continued out walk and he tried to get me to change it but I refused. We continued our mindless chatter when he finally gave in and I accidentally slipped (not literally, but my words). "So, what is it? Your beast I mean."

This time it was his turn to stop. I could tell what I said after I said it and shut my mouth.

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