So You Know

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Akane's POV

When I finished eating I washed the cleared dishes and went into my room and then outside onto the balcony. I sat on the rail with my legs hanging over the edge and looked at the quarter moon as it hung brilliantly in the sky surrounded by all of those glistening stars. I use my teleportation jutsu and landed on the roof of the building. As I did on the rail, I hung my legs over the edge of the roof and gripped onto my necklace; sighing a deep breath. I took it off and stared deeply into it.

'No one's asked me about what happened then yet... they probably just thought it was because of the poison that I passed out though.' I reflected, 'Maybe I should--' I turned my head to see a familiar face. "Oh... hey, Gaara." I said, looking at him who stared back at me. "I see you can't sleep either?" I asked, and he sat down beside me.

"Gaara..." He gave me a side look "I have a question to ask you." I told him and I could tell he was waiting to hear it. "Why do you hate me so much? I mean... did I do something wrong?" I clutched my necklace feeling a bit down at my own question, but I had to ask at some point it might as well be now.

He was silent for a really long time... I began getting anxious "I-I mean, I just wanted to know but..." I stood up, "Ya know what, it doesn't matter. I'd really like it if we could get along. Anyways, tomorrow, I have something to tell you guys so... I'll see you then I guess." I performed the teleportation jutsu and ended up in the bathroom. I walked into my room shaking my head. I haven't really mastered this jutsu yet so sometime's I end up where I want to and then other times I just... it's.... I'm going out for a bit but I need to grab something first.

I got my backpack and my cute little chubby fox money pouch before quietly leaving the apartment. The other two were already in bed and I had to do something for a while. When I was out of the hotel I vanished with the air and reappeared within the the midst of trees and leaves. I put up some sheets on about twenty three random trees and pulled out twenty three kunai knives and just as many shuriken. I got to my starting place and in position before beginning.

I was at it until the middle of the afternoon when I collapsed. Laying on my back sprawled out on the grass, trying to get my breathing under control and looking up at the blue among the green, I couldn't help but wonder who it was i'd be going up against. None of them remembered my opponent's name, just what round i'm due for.

When I was calmed down I teleported into my room and grabbed a new set of clothes before going in the shower

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When I was calmed down I teleported into my room and grabbed a new set of clothes before going in the shower. I brushed my teeth and got dressed into a yellow undershirt with a black t-shirt that had three yellow hearts on it over the undershirt and some green shorts (A/N: Image above is what she's wearing minus the hat and black socks instead of the sneakers).

I went into the dining room and made a cup of tea as I sat down, thinking about what I was gonna say. I looked at my amulet that sat in the table as I sipped my hot herbal tea. I was halfway through my thought process when I heard the door open. The others must've gone out. My eyes didn't leave my necklace but I could feel two sets of eyes on me.

"What're you doing?"

I heard Kankuro's voice and without averting my gaze I put my cup on the table ".....thinking." I heard chairs being dragged backwards on the wooden floors and finally lifted my eyes to see Kankuro and Temari were sitting down on either sides of the table, looking at me.

"That's new. Why the serious face? Somethin' on your mind?" Temari asked.

"I have something... I need you guys to know." I told them and they both looked at me waiting for me to to continue.

Temari's POV

She's finally opening up to us! But... what happened that she's so serious? She's never like that.

"I'm just not really sure where to start..." She said and quietly sat there for a while "Let's start with this.." She slid the necklace she practically always wore along the table for us to see. It was kind of creepy looking but also pretty cool.

"You want to tell us about a piece of jewelry?" Kankuro asked before taking a better look at it.

"I don't want to tell you guys anything you don't want to hear so I feel I should ask. Are you guys curious about this?" she asked us and my brother and I gave a slight nod.

"Alright. Well you guys know how Gaara's a jinchuriki?" Kankuro and I looked at her in surprise.

"You knew he was one?" Kankuro asked.

"How?" I questioned. We never told her and I can guarantee Gaara hasn't either.

She drank some of what was in her cup "Of course I knew. I could tell from the first time I met him six years ago. I've always been able to notice stuff like that. Anyways, my point is, that I..." She drank as she spoke the rest of her sentence so the words were pretty muffled. "Am also one," she said and I felt myself growing more and more interested in what she had to say. She placed the cup down again and continued speaking. "I don't know all of the details of what happened but around the age of four my dad gave me this amulet that he told me would keep mine's power under wraps." She explained.

"He had also told me that I had too much 'energy' and put most of it within this as well." She played with her nails as she spoke, "You guys probably...--you guys more than likely didn't know that I haven't always lived in Suna. I actually lived in three places before there. The first was where I was born, the other a place a different village and the third.. well, that would be right here."

"Really?" Kankuro questioned and she nodded.

"Anyways my point is this is..." she looked at Kankuro, "it's not just a piece of jewelry. When my father gave it to me all those years ago he told me that bad things would happen if this became broken so I have to take extremely good care of it. Just a few years ago it became even more important because not only had it been a seal, but it was also one of the few things I have to remember my father."

I looked back at the necklace and noticed something, "It's cracked."

She sighed, "Yeah. It happened during the prelims so now I basically have to hide it away or something. At the same time though, it has to be somewhere with, on or by me." She said grabbing it off of the table and putting it on.

"I just thought you guys should be aware of these facts." She told us and stood up with her mug in hand. She went into the kitchen and put it in the sink.

"Do you guys want anything special for dinner? I'm gonna be going out soon and won't be back for a while." She told us and when Kankuro told her she cooked, packed a few water bottles into her bag, and left.

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