Can't Go Back

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Kankuro's POV

The exams have been canceled and right now Temari and I are still looking for Akane. She's been gone for over three months so we need to find her. Some of the other friends she made are out searching as well.

She's never left for this long before so we really don't know what to think. We know that she really enjoys being surrounded by nature. She said it calms her down; so that's where we're looking. As me, Temari and a few of her other friends ran through the trees something definitely caught our attention.

We all stopped at once when we saw it. "Whoa..."

"You think this was her?" the pink headed girl, Sakura asked as we examined all of the cut down trees and destroyed plants.

"Hm... yeah. This was her." The guy with the dog, Kiba confirmed as both him and the dog sniffed the air.

"Can you tell where she is now?" that brat, Naruto asked and we looked ahead to see a large path of chopped down trees and ruined bushes/shrubs.

I don't think that'll be necessary. We headed off down the path, calling out to her like a lost pet, only hoping she was alright and close by.

Gaara said he had something to do and so he wasn't gonna come with us. We haven't seen him since early this morning and Temari's been really on edge. Honestly, that girl's really something.

Gaara's POV

I was lying on the roof of the hotel, looking up at the darkening sky.

It's been really quiet lately... A little too quiet.

No One's POV

The wind started to pick up and storm clouds began to form.

Plip Plop... Plip Plop... Plip Plop...

Drops of water began falling from the sky as she moved along the broken branches, trees and destroyed plants. "Plip Plop. Plip Plop." When she finally stopped by a stream she sat on the rocks and let the salt water of her eyes blend with that of the sky's.

"What am I gonna do...?" Staring down at the wavering water she rose her head slightly as she felt the sudden change in the air.

"What are you doing?" A familiar raspy voice echoed around her.

"Go away." She demanded with a shaky voice, refusing to turn around. He stood his ground, not even blinking when she told him to leave. 

"Why're you here, Gaara?" She asked after a long moment of silence. Sniffling she wiped her face and turned around to face him. "Did you come kill me? To scold me?"  

"You're causing a fuss. So I'm  bringing you back."

Akane's eyes widened and then fell again "You, who's hated me since young wants to bring me back instead of kill me?" She scoffed before standing up and walking away. She had unintentionally let her guard down and, sensing that, Gaara took that as a chance to entrap her with his sand. Starting from her ankle and wrapping it around; he got her.

"The other two won't shut up about you suddenly going missing so you're going back." He strictly stated as she struggled to break free.

"Let me go Gaara! LET ME GO! I-I-I-I can't! I can't go back yet. LET ME GO!"

She struggled to be released. He completely ignored her "I SAID I CAN'T GO BACK!!" her eyes glowed for a second as the the sand was sliced and she fell to the ground with a splash beneath her.

Akane stood to her feet and brushed the mud off of her arms and legs. She ran to the other side of the stream and turned back to face him "Tell the others I'm fine..." She looked down at the stream "... I don't want to risk hurting anyone... else." She turned back to the forest ahead of her, "So until I can get this 'ability' under control, I can't go back." She declared before running off and he teleported back to the hotel, where he showered and his siblings returned from their long uneventful search.

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