What A Sweet Girl

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Akane's POV

I hung out with Mr. Whiskers for about a week and he introduced me to this awesome ramen stand and guess what, we even ran into Little flower (Sakura) from time to time. Today I decided to just take a walk through the village and see if I can find anymore good spots to train. I've gotta work on my technique and certain jutsus.

As I was walking down a path I noticed a familiar face staring intently at one of three posts. I just silently watched her for a moment, examining her saddened expression as she stared at it. "Hey Little bunny! Whatcha doin' over there?" I called out and saw her flinch. I approached her and she looked at me "oh. Akane. Long time no see" she said with a wry smile and I returned with a larger one.

"I know... so how are your wounds? Are you alright now?" I asked her with a concerned look as we both took a seat on the grass and she had despair written all over her smile "I'm fine... I just wish...things could've turned out differently with Neji and I." She abashedly spoke. I could feel her pain and for some reason felt as if I could relate to her.

"Well hey," I pulled my bag off my shoulders and rummaged through it as I talked "why don't we have a little snack and get to know each other a bit better?" I pulled out a package of rice balls, a bag of chips and a bowl of cookies as well as some water bottles.

We sat there chatting for a while after I got to know what she's like I asked her a devilish question with a grin "So~o, Little bunny, surely a girl as adorable as yourself is quite popular but what I would like to know from you right now is... my dear, do you have someone you love? Like, romantic love. Not-not like family or friends kind of thing." She blushed from ear to ear and I smiled widely "let me take a guess... is it... Mr. Whis-- I mean Naruto?" I asked with a knowing expression which caused her blush to deepen as she nodded a yes.

"What...wh-what about you? Do you have someone like that?" I leaned back, bracing on my arms as I snacked on a rice ball and thought. "Well, ya see, I don't like to throw that word around... If I were to use it the person would have to be really special and we would have to not only really connect but i'd have to reach all of the signs before coming to the end of the road where that word lies. So to answer your question no I technically do not have anyone like that at the moment" I told her and we sat there till nightfall.

I packed up all of the leftover food, which was really just the chips and cookies. We completely finished the rice balls.

"I'll be seeing ya later Little bunny, I've got quite a bit of training ahead of me. I really enjoyed our talk and hope we can do it again soon." I told her as I began walking back to the hotel but she stopped me when she called out my name. I turned to her and she was wearing a genuinely happy smile this time "U-um...good luck! I'll be cheering you on!" She said and I waved to her as I left shouting thank you.

'That Hinata.... Such a sweet, innocent girl.. I really envy her.'

When I arrived back at the hotel I took a short nap and then head out. I'm gonna be training with the team for a while so I need my energy and to get just a bit better.

Tomorrow's gonna be great!

Through Pain And Strife {A Naruto Fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora