Not Giving Up

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Five Paladins made their way over the grassy hills to the crash site. The wind picked up as they walked, causing Keith to shiver. He pulled his short jacket closer for warmth.

"Is anyone else cold?" Keith asked the group.

"No, why?" Hunk replied.

"Alright, I get it. You're testing me, aren't you?" Lance shrugged off his jacket and draped it over Keith's shoulders. "Here."

Keith's senses were made aware of the  smell of Lance's cologne and a hint of peppermint as the jacket enveloped him. "I didn't ask for you to do that." Despite his words, Keith pulled the jacket close, burying his nose in it to take in the aroma. He didn't bother to put his arms in the sleeves and instead allowed them to flap in the wind like trailing flags.

"Want me to take it back?" Lance offered.


Lance shrugged. "Then don't complain."

"I wasn't complaining."

"You two are already acting like an old married couple," Pidge commented.

"You're kidding, right? Old married couples act like them," Hunk interjected with a grin.

"Oh ha ha, very funny." Lance stuck his tongue out at them.

While the others talked, Keith's attention drifted to the red and silver debris strewn about on the grass. His stomach dropped and he clenched his jaw. He raked his gaze over the sad sight to find the head of the lion poking out of the ground a few paces away.

"I'm gonna be right back," Keith said to the rest of the group before shuffling away.

"I'm coming too--" Lance began before being stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"Let him be." Keith heard Shiro say to Lance as he increased his distance between them. "He needs some time alone."

Keith picked his way down to where the head of the Red lion rested. He knelt beside it to stroke the lion's once gleaming surface, now covered with mud and grass stains from the crash. "I'm so sorry," he whispered to the lion's head. "It's all my fault." The lion's eyes blinked with a faint light in reply.
"I was the one who thought I could handle all of this on my own." He brushed the dirt away with his hand and leaned against the Red lion in silent mourning.

"I'll fix you up." He promised after a while. "... At least I hope I can," he added. "You wouldn't give up on me so I'm not giving up on you." The lion's eyes flickered on, this time brighter than before, then faded once again.

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