Lessons Learned

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"Come on! You almost had it that time!"

Keith growled in frustration. "No! I didn't! I didn't have it that time... or any time today... or last week... or the week before that! It's going to be months--no-- YEARS before I figure this out!"

"You must be patient with yourself. You've been through a lot. Torture drains even the strongest of warriors."

"I can handle anything that witch can dish out. I'm supposed to do better than this!"

"Okay. I know you can do it, but trying to force yourself to transform isn't going to change anything."

"Fine," Keith huffed. "What do you suggest?

Thace sat before the bars of the cell with his legs crossed under him. "Come. Sit." He ordered.

Keith did as he was told.

"Close your eyes."

"I don't see how--"

"--Just do it."

Keith shut his eyes.

"Now... clear your mind."

It was easy for Thace to say, almost immediately, Keith's mind turned with thoughts. He wondered how the others were faring without him. They hated him, he was sure, but he couldn't bring himself to hate them back. They were his teammates after all. What about Lance? Did Lance hate him too?!Keith's stomach lurched. Lance must feel so betrayed...

"Is your mind clear?" Thace asked.


"Are you lying?"

"No," Keith lied.

Thace paused. "Fine, then. We're done for the day."

Keith's eyes snapped open. "WHAT?"

Thace rose to his feet. "You heard me. We're done. Go rest up."

"But we didn't do anything."

"You cleared your mind. That's something, isn't it?"

"It is but..."

"Caught in your own lie, I see."


Thace laughed. "I've worked the interrogations for decades... until they brought in that horrid contraption to make it more efficient. Suffice to say, I can still pick up a lie from a mile away even after all this time."

Keith didn't know what to say.

Thace sat down once again. "Like I said before. Be patient."

"Patience yields focus," Keith mumbled under his breath.

"Wise words," Thace commented.

"Uh, yeah." Keith was taken aback. He didn't realize that he had spoken it out loud.

"They're true, you know," Thace continued. "May I ask who said it?"

Keith smiled. "A very important person in my life; a friend, a brother, and a leader all wrapped in one."

"Best to live by those words. Life has a funny way of testing our patience. I hope you listen to him better than you listen to me."

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