Dinner Talk

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(Four Days Later)

Hagne brought the spoon to her lips and took a bite. "Delicious, as always." She said with a pleasant smile. "My compliments to the chef."

Coran nodded. "Why, thank you! At least someone enjoys it." He said proudly before turning to the Paladins with a smug smile.

Hagne took a sip from her cup, sweeping her gaze over the others before setting the glass down."Will the Red Paladin be joining us for dinner this evening?" Her nails tapped rhythmically against the tabletop.

"I don't think so," Pidge responded. "He's still working on the Red lion. You probably won't see much of him for a while."

"I have to bring him his meals now," Hunk added. "He refuses to leave the hangar."

"But when it comes time for sleep, I can usually get him to his room without trouble," Lance cut in. "I mean, he's usually pretty tired already so it doesn't take much convincing."

"Right." Hagne said stiffly, folding her hands in her lap. "I know it's not in my place to pry, but I've been here for four days now and I've noticed that you lock the Red Paladin's door just before you go to sleep. Is there a reason behind that?"

The others exchanged uneasy glances.

"Well... it's..." Allura began before hesitating and biting her lip.

"He sleepwalks," Lance interrupted.

"Sleepwalks?" Hagne raised an eyebrow.

"Sleepwalks?" Hunk echoed.

"Yes," Lance replied firmly, his eyes trained on Hunk. "I thought you knew that."

Pidge nodded, taking the hint. "Oh, yeah. He sleepwalks all the time... which can be dangerous so, for our safety and his, we lock his door at night."

Hagne stared. "Is that so?" She said, clearly on the verge of losing her patience. As if realizing this fact, she swallowed her frustration and smiled once again. "How very interesting. I hope the Red Paladin manages to get a proper night's sleep in spite of his... condition."

"Don't we all," Lance replied. "But you know the sort. Workaholics; they don't rest 'til they're dead." He forced a laugh.

"I suppose so." She paused, watching each of them in turn before raising her glass. "Here's to hoping that he doesn't work himself to death." Only when the others raised their glasses in reply did she bring the cup to her lips to take another swig.

Hagne's chair squeaked as she rose to her feet, pushing her chair back as she did so. "I should go. Please excuse me."

"Is something wrong?" Allura asked, preparing to stand.

Hagne held up a hand to stop her. "Oh no, of course not. Don't worry your pretty head, dear. I'm just tired, is all."

"Well, in that case, sleep well, Hagne." Allura said with a wave. The others joined in, wishing her a restful sleep as she stepped out of the room.

Hagne nodded. "Yes, thank you. Thank you," she said politely before turning to walk in the direction of the dorms. However, when she turned a corner and was certain that nobody could see her, she doubled back to take the long way toward the hangar. After all, there was a certain someone whom she had been eager to see.

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