Chapter Twenty-One: Visiting SFIT

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(Audrey's Apartment)

Audrey laid in bed and touched her lips thinking back to the events that played out yesterday.


Hiro stood up from the table and walked over to audrey. He put one hand behind her back pulling her closer. She blushed immensly. Then he put his thumb and finger on her chin and pulled her in for a kiss. Audrey's eyes were wide open in shock but she put her arms around his neck and closed her eyes as she kissed hiro back. After the kiss hiro pulled away and looked audrey in her eyes.

"Do you believe me now." Hiro asked

Audrey looked into his eyes they were filled with sincerity and truth. She knew that he really did care for her. She only looked away and then she said.


Hiro hugged her tightly with a smile on his lips and she responded the same way.

"I'm so sorry audrey."

"I'm sorry too hiro."

The group kept watching as the guys gave each other thumbs up. The girls all talked about how happy they were for them.

Flashback Over

Afterwards she got a knock on her door.

"It's open."

Tiffany and Nikki walked in dressed in their usual outfits.

"Hey guys." Audrey said as she sat up on her bed.

"Hey girl so how you feeling after yesterday?" Tiffany asked

"I feel better but did you guys really have to watch us?"

"Well how could we not he was all over you." Nikki pointed out

Audrey blushed a little.

"Shut up."

Tiffany and nikki giggled a little.

"Oh yeah get dressed we're going out."

Audrey had a curious look.


Tiffany and Nikki smiled.

"You'll see."

"OK then."

Audrey wore her usual red dress, put on her makeup and they all left in Audrey's car with tiffany driving.

(30 minutes later)

They were outside of a university called San Fransokyo institute of technology. Audrey was puzzled.

"Uh why the hell are we at this nerd school."

"Just visiting a couple of friends." Tiffany replied.

"Let's get going." Nikki said

They all stepped inside and tiffany lead them over to a lab. A bunch of students were working on some projects. The girls spotted a guy making a cat fly around with rockets on its paws. And they also saw a guy being moved around by these tiny bots under a little wooden plank. But what caught their eyes was a group of students gathered around a blonde who was about to add a drop of a blue liquid to a bottle of purple liquid. As she did they all ducked hoping it wouldn't explode which it didn't. But they recognized the group as their friends. The girls walked over to them.

"Hey guys." Tiffany said

The group turned their attention to the blonde and smiled at the girls. They all said their hello's while hiro walked over to audrey smiling.

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