Chapter 5: Hell of a Mind

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Elizabeth's Point of View

I woke up, with a jolt, and everything blurred. Frantically looking around, I saw that I was back in my room. My eyes finally adjusted to the light glow of my room as my eyes caught the electronic clock on my nightstand. It read: 3:24 am.

'Nice way to wake up, right?' The small voice in my head asked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

'Jostled out of bed because of a dream? Yes, it's a nice way to wake up,' I replied sarcastically.

Groaning softly, I knew that I won't be able to sleep at this hour, so I took a quick bath and changed into my camouflage shirt and black knee length shorts. I tied my hair, even though it was still wet, into a messy bun, and went out of my room into my floor's library after wearing my black woven socks.

'So comfy,' I thought, sighing inwardly as I let myself enjoy the soft texture of the socks.

'Wow, black fluffy socks being paired to a camouflage shirt and black shorts? Nice fashion sense!' My sarcastic mind said.

'Shut up you!'

I entered the library that took at least half of my floor space. My library was colored white, with black linings and grey accents to have a modern style to it. It had shelves all over the room and there were four black one-person couches on the middle of the room with two black four-person couches on the middle of the north and south side of the room.

'Must you be so elaborate in everything you see'? My mind said again. I groaned in annoyance.

'You don't care! Sometimes, I think I think I'm bonkers because of you, yah know?'

'You have no idea.'

I roamed the library and started to look for a book I can read.

'Why did I want my library to be so big? I can't even find the middle of the room.'

'It's because you like books. You're a book licker, remember?'

My feet were getting tired already. While looking around, my mind started to wander to the dream I had earlier. Loki. His name started to ring a bell in my head and his emerald eyes was what my mind saw.

A few moments later of looking for a book I haven't read and thinking about Loki and the dream, my mind started to go blank, and then a thought came. 'Loki... that name sounds quite familiar.' I ended up in the mythology section, and saw the four inch thick book about Greek myths and a two inch thick book about Roman Mythology. Then, my eyes caught a glimpse of the one inch thick book about Norse gods and another book about the tales of Norse Gods.

'Again with the elaboration!' My mind reminded. I ignored my ever sarcastic mind and carried on. Considering I haven't read these books yet, I took it out of its shelf and went to middle of the room to sit down on one of the four-seat couch. I placed the books on the table and took the first book which was about the Norse gods. I flipped up to the first page and read about the author, then to the next until I reached the history of Norse myth.

The body of Norse mythology is a mythology from the North Germanic people that stems from Norse paganism and continuing after the Christianization of Scandinavia into the Scandinavian folklore of the modern period.

I started to read on, from the extension of Norse myth to its traditions and the various beings and royals (deities and such) before and after the pagan period. After the history of Norse mythology that consisted of five or so back-to-back pages, the next page read, in texts all bold: 'GODS, DEITIES, and BEINGS'

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