The Tattoo- Will

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I was practically bouncing up and down in my seat as my mom drove up to the camp boarder. I'd spent a week with her and my little sister at the beginning of summer as was our tradition.

The past week was a lot harder to get through this year though. I'd spent an entire week without my boyfriend Nico and it was killing me. I wouldn't say we're attached at the hip or anything... okay yeah, we can be a bit inseparable at times, but that doesn't mean I can't go without seeing those gorgeous chocolate eyes or that adorable little smirk or... where am I going with this, I had a point here, what was my point?

Anyway my nice vacation at my  mom's house in Texas was over. Seeing the comforting hills of Camp Half Blood made me relax just a little. It's good to be home.

After giving my mom a hug goodbye, I stepped out of her van and crossed the boarder.

I start walking in the direction of the cabins, waving at the people I knew. 

"Will!" Chiron trotted up beside me with a girl I'd never seen before. "This is Amber. She's new and I need you to give her a tour of the camp while while I make preparations for tonight's game of capture the flag."

I inwardly groan. Now I'll have to wait even longer  to see Nico. Oh well, maybe I'll run into him while I show Amber the camp. 

"Sure thing Chiron. Amber, follow me."

So I showed her the canoe lake, the pegasus stables, archery field, dining pavilion, and cabins. All of these were Nico free and I started to get worried that he wasn't here. He didn't mention visiting Camp Jupiter in our last Iris message, so he should be here right?

Last but not least, I showed Amber the sword fighting arena. As I open the door I finally find who I've been looking for. Nico is slashing at straw dummies with his sword in a white tank top and his black, ripped up skinny jeans.

"Hey," Amber whispers, "bet you twenty bucks I can get him to go out with me." But I wasn't listening to her because while I was checking out my hot boyfriend I noticed something  that definitely wasn't there the last time I saw him.

"You got  a tattoo?!" I yell as he goes to stab the dummy in the stomach.

He misses entirely and almost trips over his own feet. "Solace! What was that for? Give a guy a warning."

I walk over and take a closer look at his arm. There's a silver bow shooting the name Bianca. 

"It was supposed to be a surprise," Nico mumbles.

"I love it," I say, "and I'm sure she would've too."

He gives me a small smile. "Thanks." His expression changes to confused as he looks behind me. "Who is that?"

I turn around to see Amber twirling a piece of hair on her finger and biting her lip. Oh geez.

"That's Amber, Chiron had me show her around camp."

Nico frowns. "That's a problem."

"Why?" Amber asks.

"Percy!" Nico calls behind him.

"Yeah?" Percy walks in carrying another dummy.

"I need you to show what's-her-face around camp."

"Why?" Then he notices me. "Never mind. New girl, let's go. I'm not in the mood to watch those two make out."

Nico drags a hand down his face. "First off, it was one time Jackson. One time! Second, we weren't even making out. It was just a kiss on the cheek!"

Percy huffs. "Sure it was. Well I still think your too young to date."

He did not just start this again. "Nico-" I try

"Too young to date?!"


"I'm seventy years your senior!"


"You're  too young to date!"


"Respect your elders!"

"NICO!" I grab him so that he's facing me.


I look deeply into his eyes. "Shut up."

He gives me a glare. "Remind me why I missed you again."

I give him a peck on the lips. "Ooh, ice cold, Death Boy."

"No PDA in the sword arena!" Percy yells before dumping ice water onto us.

"Jackson!" Nico begins to name various ways in which he will kill Percy as he chases him outside. 

"Aw, isn't he cute when he tries to kill people?"

Amber gives me a weird look before backing away slowly. "Right..."

And that's how I started off the summer.

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