My Demons ( Starset pt 1)

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Will was running around like a chicken with his head cut off.

It was only his second time working a concert for this tour and he was still filled to the brim with nerves.

His job basically consisted of doing whatever he was told to do. Put this light over here, put that chair backstage over there, go get coffee for the tour manager.

How he hadn't already had some kind of breakdown was a mystery to Will. It probably had something to do with the fact that sometimes he maybe was the tiniest bit stubborn.

He really needed this job while it lasted to pay for school, and for once, he wasn't going to let his anxiety get in the way of things.

Well, mostly anyway.

Will was a gentle soul, and a rock concert was certainly not his preferred cup of tea. So he had a slight tendency to be frazzled at the best of times during his job.

But again, he needed the money. The coffee shop paycheck was not cutting it in terms of what one would call living. Surviving would probably be a better word.

So, while he was out on summer break he decided to apply anywhere and everywhere that seemed like a good idea. And by that, meaning he was mostly likely not going to kill himself or someone else while attempting said work.

And, what do ya know, a fairly known band was starting off their first tour and needed some people to work backstage and all that jazz.

It was the perfect time frame, the pay was decent, and no special skills were involved. Plus, he didn't have to pay rent for the closet that was his apartment that always smelled like cabbage, and had walls so thin that you could always hear exactly what the neighbors were doing. (Surprisingly, Mrs Kendren was a whole lot worse than the two high schoolers next door. Will was scarred for life both physically and mentally. Don't ask.)

It was all a bit much at times, honestly, he could never find the time to slow down.

Little did he know, an even bigger change was soon to be implemented in his life. All revolving around a simple leather jacket.


Will felt like he was about to fall over dead at any moment. It was his fifth time working a show, so he kinda had a routine going, but after three straight days of shows he was reaching his breaking point.

In fact, someone told him to sit down and take a breather if he needed it. In other words, he must look like complete crap/zombie/holy-cow-is-it-even-possible-to-have-that-many-eye-bags.

Just when he found a decent hidey-hole to curl up in to avoid the social interaction that came with looking like he was about to pass out, another stage hand came running towards him, arms flailing, and holding a worn, black leather jacket.

"Hey, uh, Wilbur, was it? I need you to put this in di Angelo's dressing room. Thanks!" He yelled and chucked the coat at Will before turning and running off again.

Will, thankfully, was able to catch the jacket before it hit him in the eye (which really is an amazing feat considering how much of a klutz he is).

For a moment, Will's tired brain couldn't remember who 'di Angelo' was.

Then it hit him. That was the lead singer of the band he's been working for!

Well, not that he'd ever really seen the band members in person, too much rushing around on his part.

Will had been meaning to Google his bosses for ages, but he hasn't really had the time.

So, he trudged over to the dressing rooms and opened the door labled 'Nico di Angelo'.

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