High School Au

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Halfway through third period, Will was called to the office. He knew he wasn't in trouble, he never did anything wrong. Will was a straight A student and captain of the football team. He wasn't about to do something stupid and ruin his chances of a scholarship for either of those options. That's probably what this was about anyway. Talking with the counselor  about his football scholarship.

Will knew the moment he stepped through the office door that this wasn't the case. Nico, his boyfriend, was in one of the chairs curled up and shaking like a leaf in a storm.

No one understood their relationship.

Will was popular, charismatic, and loved by everyone.

Nico was an outcast, quiet, and messed up in the head (according to the rest of the school).

Whenever someone mentioned this to Will, he would promptly ignore their existence for being an inconsiderate jerk. He knew his boyfriend was slightly schizophrenic, but that didn't upset him in any way. He cherished Nico for his flaws.

Will ran over and wrapped his arms around Nico. "What's wrong?"

"I didn't want to," he sobbed, "they made me do it..."

"Shh, calm thoughts sweetheart. Tell me what happened."

Will was getting more and more concerned. Panicking was common for Nico and usually a small matter, but he was shaking more and more by the second. Will knew that if he didn't find the root of the problem soon, Nico was going to have a complete meltdown.

"T-they said I had to get rid of him. He was g-gonna do s-something b-bad. I didn't want to!"

Will rocked him back and forth. "I know, I know. Let's use quieter words, okay? Why don't you visit your garden?"

Nico nodded and closed his eyes, holding tightly to Will's shirt.

The garden was an exercise created by Nico's therapist designed to deal with stress and keep him calm. In his mind's eyes, Nico was supposed to walk through a garden and name every flower he knew before counting counting the petals of a single rose.

"One, two, three..." Nico murmured under his breath. 

"William," Principal Chiron rolled out of his office in his wheelchair with Octavian at his side. "May I speak with you for a moment?"

Octavian went and sat a few chairs down, glaring at Nico the entire time. 

"I'm mot leaving him alone." Especially not with Octavian here.

Octavian was the worst bully Nico had to deal with. The second I left him alone would be the second Octavian went after him. It's been going on all year, the school has done nothing about it, and I'm sick of it. 

(A/N: Well apparently it's first person now. I'm not about to argue with the sleep deprived me who wrote this, so let's just go along with it)

"I'll watch him," offers Lacey, the lady who works at the front desk.

I nod. "Thank you." Lacey, I could trust. She's always super nice to Nico and would often speak with him in the mornings before giving him a peppermint and sending him to class.

I gently put Nico back into the seat.

"No," he protests.

"I'll be right back," I tell him, "I need to talk with Mr. Chiron."


"Cross my heart."

He finally lets go and I walk into Mr. Chiron's office.

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