Unless It's Me

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March 4, 2017

Dear diary,

I did something horrible today. I... I didn't mean to, it just... he...and... what have I done?

You're probably very confused right now. And I don't blame you, so am I. I never act like this, yet there it is. I may have just lost my closest friend.

I should start over, from the beginning. It... it started off as a normal day. At least, I think it did. My thoughts are over the place and I just can't seem to... but I'm trying, I'm really, really trying, I promise.

Um, I went on a date with Sophie, yeah that's what happened, we met at Starbucks. And... and after that... it's fuzzy. We went to the park, maybe? But that's not important. I mean, of course my girlfriend is important, but not right now. Well I didn't mean it like... ugh, I'm rambling.

Anyways, I went out with Sophie and then went home. And by home I mean the apartment I share with Nico. Shared with Nico. I can't believe I drove him away. My best friend.

I'm off track again, aren't I?

Well, I came home and expected Nico to have returned from his classes, exhausted but ready to binge watch Supernatural with me like always.

And Nico was home. But he was making out on the couch with this... this... creep. His name is Don or something, I don't know.

I just got... mad. I... I yelled. I don't even remember what I said. But it was horrible. Dean ran off the moment my presence was noticed. Coward.

And Nico... he just sat there and watched. Watched me rage and say the worst things imaginable.

I called him disgusting.

I called him disgusting.

I called my best friend, the person who's always been there for me, the one who knew all of my secrets, disgusting.

What have I done?

And the worst part was he didn't get angry. He was known for having the biggest temper out of everyone we knew, but this time he wasn't mad. At least, not at first.

What he was, was hurt. Looking into Nico's eyes, they were shattered. He left the apartment without a word and I haven't heard from him since. I deserve it though. Everything is my fault.

I just wish I knew if he was safe. I'd call, but I know he won't answer.

If only the world had a reset button.

I have to go now. Sophie's here and she doesn't like when I write to you. Says it's too feminine. But with Nico gone, I don't have anyone to spill my guts to.

Thanks for listening.

Yours Regretfully,


March 7, 2017

Dear Diary,

It's been three days. Three days since I last saw Nico. What did I expect, though? He'd come home and I'd apologize and everything would be sunshine and rainbows?

This is the first serious fight we've ever had. Maybe even the first fight period. We've known each other since we were fourteen, and I knew his sexuality was a sensitive topic, yet I did that anyways. Seven years of friendship ruined. Gone, like ashes in the wind.

Happy Birthday to me.

Yours Brokenly,



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