Of Bears and Rabbits

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Nico's pov

People moan about how life's not fair. Well I'll tell you what's not fair. Will gets mad at me for behaving wrong in his dreams. Take this morning for example.

I wake up and Will is nowhere to be found. So I get up and walk into the kitchen, still half asleep at this point.

The light is on and Will is sitting at the table. His fingers, which are wrapped around a mug of coffee, slightly twitch.

I inwardly groan when I notice the empty coffee pot. Will and too much caffeine is never a good combination.

My hesitance to step into the room, though, is because Will has that look on his face. You know, the one Southerners seem to have perfected. Where the person is smiling but their eyes say "I'm about to hit you over the head with a baseball bat, skin you alive, and turn you into a decorative rug for my living room." That look.

But I've had to deal with hyperactive Will before, and I'm fairly sure this won't end in disaster. Maybe.

So I walk in without a word and begin to make breakfast.

"I had a dream last night. Want to hear about it?" Will asks in a sickly sweet voice.

"No," I say flatly.

"Well I'm gonna tell you anyway."

I sigh and turn around to face him. Better get this over with.

Will squares his shoulders and takes a deep breath. "There was a grizzly bear chasing me through the woods, with it's teeth, it was going to eat me. And you did nothing." His voice trembles a little at this point. "You didn't do a thing."

"Then what was I doing?" I question, uninterested.

"You were playing poker with a rabbit, that's what you were doing." He points a finger at me accusingly. "And that's the kind of thing you would do. You would play poker with a rabbit while I was getting eaten by a bear. Luckily, a giant unicorn came and saved me with its laser horn. That's how I got saved, not by you. Not by you."

"Fair enough. But did I win?"

Will glares at me. "You're sleeping on the couch tonight."

A/N: So the inspiration for this one came from Tim Hawkins, who does clean comedy. He is really funny, I die every time I watch a video.

Here's the one that inspired this one shot

Well, that's all for now.

See you queens later!

- Gracie

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