The Rain

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Trigger warning 

Today was the perfect day for rain. For that bone aching chill and dampness that clung to your skin as the sky sheds its tears.

Today was a bad day for Nico. His father and step-mother had been fighting again. His younger sister made him attend another therapy session. It was a perfect day for a walk in the rain.

Nico could practically feel the depression coming back.  Let me inside, it whispered, let me  touch the burdens of your soul. He didn't want to feel that way. He wanted to forget. It was a perfect day to be numbed by the rain.

If you had asked Nico a few years prior if he thought he would need therapy, he'd have said no. He was saddened by the loss of his mother and older sister, yes. But he had still been able to see the light. Still able to find the silver lining of every cloud. 

But that was before that day. It was a wet and dreary day, much like the one he walked through now. It was also the last day. The last day he saw Will Solace alive. It was an agonizing day numbed by the rain.

Will and Nico had been friends their entire lives. They were as close as close could be. They didn't care that they didn't have any other friends. They were content with being alone as long as they were alone together.

That day was the straw that broke the camel's back. Nico had heard Will's last goodbye. Had seen his last smile. Everything had seemed perfectly normal. Until it wasn't. And Nico was left crying, alone in the rain.

Will's disappearance shocked everyone. Gone into thin air. Search party after search party, day after day, dead end after dead end. The whole town was on watch. The police questioned Nico first, as he was the last one to see Will. He promised them he would do anything, anything  to get his best friend back. Nothing was ever enough. All evidence washed away by the rain.

That was three years ago, when Nico was twelve. And he was reminded every time it rained.

Nico walked down an unfamiliar street, soaked to the bone. He couldn't bring himself to care. That was the point of being numb.

A car pulled out of a decrepit driveway on the other side of the road and sped off. He wouldn't have cared if it weren't for the banging. The moment the car was out of sight, the door of the house which the driveway belonged to rattled violently. A faint noise could be heard behind it. Nico drew closer. 


It was a whisper on the wind, barely perceived through the wooden entryway.

"Hello? Is someone in there?" Nico pressed his ear to the door which had stopped shaking.

Yes! Please help me, he's going to kill me when he gets home. He's going to kill me.

Nico's felt something blossom in his heart, something other than pain. Concern.

"Stand back!" Nico didn't know what to do, but he had to help and he had to act fast.

A large rock, on the ground under the window. It was taken and hit against the handle. One, two, four times. On the seventh try the metal gave way and the door was open.

There was a boy with rags for clothes and hair that would have been golden if it hadn't been so tangled and dirty.

He stared at the open doorway as if it were a magical portal. As if he'd never had a proper look at the outside. He tilted his head to get a new angle on the view and- there! On his jaw, right there, was a small scar. A scar Nico would know anywhere. One that had been acquired while playing cowboys and robots at a birthday party.


The boy jerked back, frightened; eyes like that of a corned animal. "How do you know my name?"  

"It's me," came the cracked and broken words that tumbled from trembling lips, "it's Nico."

"No!" The boy, now Will, shook his head fervently and placed his hands over his ears. "You're not my Nico! That's not how my Nico looks!"

The raven haired rescuer was crushed. But it was true. This was not the same Nico that Will had known once upon a time. This one had changed.

Nico sank to his knees and began to sob out the words as best he could. The words to a song that both knew deep in their hearts.

"You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy

When skies are gray

You'll never know dear

How much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away"

These words. This very song. It had been sung to Nico by Will countless times whenever he missed Bianca. It was their song. It was special.

Nico was suddenly catapulted backwards onto the grass. There was Will, clinging as tightly to him as he could. 

"It is you," he whispered, "mine. My sunshine. My Nico."

In that moment of their embrace, it was as if they'd never been apart. The pain of all those long years melted away and was replaced with pure joy. They laid there soothed by the caress of the gentle rain.


10 years later

Nico stood in front of the mirror barely believing that this day was actually happening. Everything was perfect. Except for one thing. He was still waiting on the rain.

There was a soft knock on the door. "Nico?" The voice belonged to Hazel, his sister. "Will is panicking again. He refuses to leave the dressing room." This was normal. Will was never the same as before he was taken, but Nico didn't care. They were together and that was all that mattered. 

"I'll get him."

Then Nico was there, holding Will and calming him. "Why don't we walk out there together, hand in hand. We've already thrown tradition out the window as it is. I'll be right here, never letting go."

"You promise?"

"I promise, sweetheart."

Then they were off, walking past friends and family as each cooling drop streaked down their cheeks, clothes, hair. Most people would hate to have rain on this day, said it would ruin everything. But rain was special to them. It had a healing touch like no other.

There was the priest, waiting. It was time.

As words were exchanged, the rain continued to pitter-patter, giving strength.

And as their fates were sealed with a kiss, everything fell into place.

It was a perfect day for rain.

A/N: Now before you guys bombard me saying "I thought you said no sad stuff", let me explain. What I meant when I said that was that there would be no sad endings. This one shot has a happy ending, so therefore does not break that rule. I didn't mean for this to turn out as emotional and deep as it did, but i love it and I hope you do too

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