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Nico was most certainly not in a good mood. He was having the most horrid morning imaginable and it seemed nothing could go his way.

His stupid astronomy class and a couple of nightmares had kept him up much too late, resulting in him oversleeping. His so called 'friends' didn't wake him for breakfast or for their first lesson. So with no food, wearing crumpled robes he'd grabbed from off the floor, and having missed a Transfiguration test, Nico was running to make it to Potions on time.

Once again, luck was not on his side.

In hindsight, he probably shouldn't have rushed the stairs like that, but he was slowly developing a habit of not caring. Oh wait, that was the story of his life.

Anyways, once he had successfully bruised his tailbone and his pride all in one go, he laid at the bottom of the steps and realized his supplies didn't fly everywhere because he'd forgot them. Well screw that, Renya could spare a piece of parchment or he could steal some from Jason, the blonde wasn't always the most observant.

He got up, thoroughly pissed at the universe, and made his way to class more slowly lest he make an even bigger fool of himself when someone was around to see it.

Nico passed an open window and heard Coach Hedge yelling at some Hufflepuff first years to 'toughen up, cupcake!' and 'you can't fly unless you  actually get on the broom, Sanderson'.

Finally, the door to his class was in sight.

Opening it, he saw the students working on a new potion and the professor passed out at his desk, snoring obnoxiously. Thankfully, Dionysus was a lazy, good-for-nothing that always fell asleep five minutes into class and never took roll because he couldn't be bothered to learn names.

He walked over to his normal station where his partner had already started. His partner, thank the heavens, hadn't set anything on fire yet, which was quite the achievement considering how clumsy he usually was. His partner also happened to be Will Solace, his boyfriend of three years.

Though nobody actually knew they were dating. In fact, everyone thought them to be bitter enemies, extreme rivals and whatnot.

The reason for this was that Will already attracted enough attention from the papers, and didn't fancy his love life being strewn along the headlines, especially since his boyfriend was not exactly liked by the wizarding world. And Nico was more than fine with hiding their relationship, he liked his privacy. Not to mention his father would be horrified and enraged at the mere mention of him being gay. Nico was supposed to have a perfect wife that would bare the family heir and continue the bloodline and bullcrap like that.

Nico was not in the mood to insult Will. In fact, it was all he could do to keep from burying his face in the blonde's chest. He was in desperate need of affection to push away his terrible morning.

But as always, he did what was expected of him.

"Solace, I know it takes a lot to cover up that awful stench of yours, but did you have to spray your stupid cologne all over the bloody classroom?"

Will went rigid and his face paled.

"Um, Nico, Will isn't wearing any cologne," Lee Fletcher, Will's brother, informed him.

Then what...?

Annabeth, a Ravenclaw, put the puzzle pieces together. "We're brewing amortentia, which smells like what you most desire. So if you smell Will's cologne..."

Nico felt his throat close up. His secret was out. The only thing left was to see what Will said. Would he come out as well, or would he abandon Nico?

"Sorry, love," Will whispered, "I know you weren't ready. It's okay of you want to deny it."

Nico felt relief flood his system. Will was with him one hundred percent, whatever he chose to do.

Nico smiled. "It's okay. Now at least I won't have to wait all day to do this."

He then leaned over and pressed a firm kiss to Will's lips.

All of the Gryffindors gasped, shocked to see one of their own willingly kiss a Slytherin.

Some of Nico's own housemates exchanged money and grins.

"I told you so," Thallia said with a smirk as she got eleven sickles from a none too happy Reyna.

"Yeah Will, get some!" Leo whooped. And then a second later, "dang it Cal, I'm being supportive!", as his girlfriend smacked him on the head.

All in all, Nico was actually kind of glad he was late to Potions.

A/N: Hey there everybody! I know, this was sorta late but I may or may not have been caught up with reading Drarry fanfics.

Now, I know a lot of people have done the whole Solangelo at Hogwarts thing, and you probably thinks it's cliche, but I like cliche things if you haven't noticed.

As always, I will be taking a short break to work on my other Solangelo story, Stay With Me. If you would like something with an ongoing plot, then you should check that out.

My inspiration, if you haven't noticed, came from reading all of those Drarry stories.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Bye queens 👑

- Gracie

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