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"Please excuse us , I left my bag here when it was my shift I came to get it ."

Changkyun looked at the both of us and looked away . We both bowed . I went to the couch and grabbed my bag .

"Excuse us for interrupting we'll be leaving ." We bowed again until Changkyuns aunt stopped me.

"Y/n can I speak to you for a moment ."

"Um yeah sure, wonho can you wait in here for a bit after I'm done talking to her ?"

"Sure but ..... okay ." Changkyuns aunt and I went outside the room and his aunt busted out crying .

"It's like he's a totally different person ." I hugged her .

"I know ..... I know ..... he doesn't even remember me or the rest of the boys ..." I tried not to cry .

"I'm so sorry ..... I just want Changkyun back ..... he needs you Y/n more than ever ."

"Auntie I know but he can't even remember me .... he doesn't even want to be near me or wants anything that has to do with me so what's the point ?"

"Keep forcing him."

"Auntie I can't just force him if he doesn't want to then he doesn't we can't do nothing about it , now I must leave ....." I opened the door and wonho and Changkyun didn't even look at each other .

"Let's go ." Wonho and I left the hospital.

"Did anything happen ?"

"No he just asked if we were together and I said no."

"Why would he ask that ?..." he shurged his shoulders

"But he said he'd be back at school Monday ."

"So early ......" I was kinda scared .

"We should leave ."

"Wait." Wonho pulled my hand and hugged me. I was standing there like an idiot not realizing he hugged me .

"I'm sorry ." He pulled away but I pulled him back and hugged him.

"Thank you ." I hugged him tight .

"We should go now." He drove me home.

"Your parents are back ?"

"Yeah they came back a week ago"

"Who's that guy with that girl outside your house."

"Come on I'll introduce you ." I got out the car and he did too .

"Jb-ah!" He waved and I realized that girl was yuju.

"Yuju I thought you were at the hospital."

"I am but jb and I were eating ." I looked at them and they were red.

"What's going on?" I made a smirk. Wonho and I both laughed .

"Oh wonho this is jaebum but you can just call him Jb he's my brother ."

"Brother ?! I didn't know you had a brother !" He was surprised.

"I didn't either he was sick and needed treatment so my parents took him to another country." Wonho smiled.

"Nice to meet you ." He bowed but jb laughed .

"No need to bow to me I should be bowing to you ." He bowed and wonho laughed awkwardly.

"Y/n what about Changkyun?" I lowered my head .

"He's fine still doesn't remember any of us .... that's fine we just need to give him time ." I smiled although it ached my heart.

"I have to go before the boys start to worry , bye ."

"Oh wonho wait !" While he was walking to his car , I ran to him .

"What is it ?"

"Thank you for today thank you ." I practically threw myself on him . Although I didn't mean to . He chuckled and hugged me back tightly.

"I told you I'll always be here for you okay ?" I nodded my head and let go .

"Bye talk to you later ." He drove off and I walked to the front of the house .

"Y/n ." Jb called my name .

"Oh where's yuju?"

"She went back to the hospital." He was sitting on the steps and I sat next to him.

"Are you really okay ?" I nodded .

"To be honest it hurts ...... but I just need to get .... through it..... oh god here I go again ." Tears started to roll down my face again . Jb pulled me to him and I was there crying on his shoulder .

"Everything is going to be okay ." It was nice to have jb with me . I wiped my tears .

"We should go inside before mom and dad start to worry lets go ." We entered the house and went to the kitchen and ate dinner.

"Thank you for the food ." I said to my mom . I went upstairs . Tomorrow is Sunday then Monday ..... While I flopped on my bed my phone rang and wonho was calling.

You : "Oh wonho what's wrong ?"

Wonho: "nothing I was just checking on you seeing if you're okay ."

You: "haha wonho I'm fine right now thank you ."

Wonho: " if you don't have anything plan tomorrow do you want to do something? "

You : "like what ?"

Wonho : "anything you want to do ."

You : "mmmmm movies ? Or go out and play at an arcade?"

Wonho: " we can do both if you would like to?"

You : "um yeah sure."

Wonho: "alright I'll let you go so you can rest goodnight y/n ."

You : "goodnight to you too wonho"

He laughed and we hung up
While I was trying to sleep yuju texted me asking if I was alright. And I just yes and went to sleep
Wonho and you are getting pretty close aren't y'all (;

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