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"Holy crap ! Why is it like this today " Wonho sighed . We were both drenched.

"That's great and I don't even have extra clothes with me." I laughed .

"I'll go get some clothes for you , take a shower if need to . And I bought some socks and boxers for Jaebum.... um as a gift you know .... and I haven't give them to him so I hope they fit you ." I was embarrassed to say that and he just patted my head .

"Okay I'll go take a shower " I went to go get the clothes and handed them to him.

"I'll be taking a shower too, you know what , I'll wait that way if you're using hot water , and If i use it , cold water will come out on either of us oh and I'll put a candle just in case the lights go out , don't worry it has a top, it's those candles that have designs on the side but and when you close it it looks better okay but you know what I'm talking about right ? Wow that was a lot of talking." He laughed more and I was just embarrassed.

"Yeah I know what you're talking about , I'll be heading in ." I nodded and quickly set up two candles in Jbs bathroom and let him be. Meanwhile I took off my raincoat and took wonhos clothes in the washer . I could just wash my clothes later . I took off my socks and threw them in the dirty clothes.
As I waited for Wonho to finish his shower I didn't sit anywhere , i didn't want to wet anything so I stood up and opened my books and notes and started taking notes .

I took out my previous assignments that had all A's (not hundreds) and scanned through them and worked on the problems I missed trying to figure out what I did wrong . And I did know why.

"Y/n I'm done you can shower now."

"Oh okay I'll be there in a se-" I stopped writing and left everything alone and just when I turned around I saw wonho with wet hair . He was fully clothed but just seeing his wet hair , set me off.

"I-I um need to shower ." I walked quickly passed him and went to my room and closed the door. It's just his hair what's so special about it for you to get all red and hot about ?! Snap out of it ! I grabbed my sweats and t shirt that were loose because I wanted to be comfy and hit the shower.

When I got out the shower I dried my hair and stretched. I headed downstairs and saw wonho making tea and saw him reading something

"You didn't have to make tea you know? And what are you looking at ?" I walked to him and he gave me a cup of tea and he drank his tea.

"Wow , I knew you were smart but I didn't know you were this smart . Wow I have a very smart girlfriend." I rolled my eyes and laughed .

"Shut up ! Plus I bet you were smarted than me when you were school."

"Yah! I'm not that much older than you ! I'm just two years older than you ( changed age sorry ) , and yeah I was smart but not this smart , your skills and strategies are college level , this is amazing."

"It's not that amazing..... plus people now and days don't care about grades , all they care about is how good they look and all this stupid stuff, this is why I only stick to my studies."

"Who cares about that stuff , I say mind over matter." I laughed.

"Looks don't really even matter but you are very pretty and smart to me ."

"I'm not that pretty ...." I looked down and he lifted my chin up.

"You're right you're not pretty , you're beautiful." I gulped down hard and he was leaning in forward and I didn't know what to do.

"I think I should call my parents to see where they are ..... the tv is there you can watch it ." I called my mom .

You :"Oh mom ! Are you okay ?"

Mom: "Ah yes ! Your father and I were working we still are , listen, I don't think your father and I will be home tonight , so please be safe okay? We'll stay in a hotel ,I have to go I have to finish this bye sweetie take care ."

You: "Oh yes mom take ca-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence because she hung up.

"Is everything okay?" Wonho came behind me and I faced him.

"Yes they're busy , they said they can't make tonight so they'll stay at a hotel."

"And your brother?"

"I don't know I'll call him."

I started calling jb but he didn't answer and my only guess was....

You: is jb with you?

Yuju: yes , he said he staying with me tonight he doesn't want me to be alone , and you?

You: that - okay whatever and I'm fine

Yuju: okay well that's all that matters , stay safe , oh Jb is asleep that's why he hasn't answered.

You: that explains anyways be careful and don't have too much fun 😉

Yuju: stOP

"Well jb is with yuju "

"So everyone is okay?" I nodded. I took a seat next to him and started doing my work. Wonho was channeling through the TV. I was still trying to figure out why I couldn't get this one problem wrong , I was getting frustrated.

"Need help?"

"Huh oh no it's okay just need more time to figure this out."

"Let me see." I gave him the paper and he started doing the problem.

"Okay , you made one little mistake and it's right here when you were trying to combine the terms , you got -5 , it was positive 5."

"Wow I've been doing this wrong I can't believe it was this simple mistake."
I sighed .

"Hey at least you tried , you're not always going to get everything right."

"I know but I just wanted to know why I kept getting that problem wrong thank you." I smiled at him and he pinched my cheeks.

"Hey that hurts stop ! I hate that !"

"Oh come on you're cute!" I kept doing it and I slipped my hands to his face and squished his cheeks.

"Omg , you're so cute !" I kept squishing them .


"I'll stop if you stop."

"Fine on the count of three , 1,2,3" we both let go.


Oh gosh next chapter ..... BYe

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