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I sat at my desk and plugged in my earphones and started to to take notes. My hands started to cramp up and Changkyun tapped my shoulder .

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Class is about to start thought I'd give you a heads up."

"Oh thanks you should go sit before you get in trouble ."

I didn't care, I still had my earphones in . Class started and took one earphone out to listen. I look at the window and I see lightening. Thunder started to start. I jumped out my sit. It took me by surprise.

"Mrs yoon, is everything okay?" The teacher stopped and everyone looked at me.

"Y-yes teacher I was just startled." He nodded and I sat down and the students laughed , Ugh so embarrassing. Lunch came and I couldn't go up the roof because it was raining so I just stayed in class and ate.

"Y/n you're not going to eat with yuju?" Changkyun came up to me.

"Ah no she's probably with my brother so no....."

"Alright." He pulled up a chair and sat next to me.

"What are you doing ?"

"Huh? Eating lunch."

"Yes I know but I meant here at my desk?"

"Can't I sit next to my friend?"

"Huh? Oh yeah ...." I played my music and ate .

"You have something on your lip."

"Huh?" Changkyun reached for my lip and brushed his finger against my lip. I looked at him.

"Got it." Gosh ...... ' friends '

"T-thank you..... oh right make sure your prepared when you come by the hospital. We're going to run CT scans to see if anything has showed up."

"Alright. Oh class is about to start better through your trash away." He grabbed my trash and I stopped him.

"It's fine I can throw it away myself." We both went to the trash and threw it away. He bumped me and I bumped him back. It went back and forth.
By the time I knew it , school ended. I grabbed my stuff and headed to the girls locker room and changed into my scrubs.

I had an extra pair at the hospital, but since it's raining , I don't want my legs to be all wet since girls uniforms are skirts. I left the locker room and headed out . I opened my umbrella and started to walk to the hospital. It looked like it was going to get pretty ugly. The winds were getting strong , it was getting cold, lightning and thunder was happening and soon by the time I got to the hospital it started to pour down.

"Ahh yoon thank god you're here ! " Dr. Song came up to me .

"Hi dr. Song !"

"Dr. Park is running a bit late so if his patients come I want you to help me take over okay?" I nodded.

I went to the locker room and put my stuff away. I put my hair up and made my way to the counter to get my charts .

"Not so busy today huh?" The nurse asked me and it wasn't , Dr. Park only ha to see 3 patients today.

"Yup , did Dr. Parks patients cancel due to the weather ?"

"Yes ." I nodded.

"Thank you I'll get going ."

First patient was an old women who has had headaches everyday this month . Second patient had epilepsy ( seizures ) , the patient was a a girl my age , we needed to check up how she was doing and so that went well. Third patient can probably guess . Amnesia patient aka Changkyun.

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