Chapter 2

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The next day, Angelina was all over Fred, much to his pleasure. However, elated in the success of finding out that his crush liked him back, Fred forgot to tell his twin that Francessca might be a bit keen on him from now on.

However, it ended up that it was no problem - George had no problem with Francessca what so ever. Or, as she told him to call her, Fran. It seemed though, that after a few days, George had had enough of her.
"What is your problem?!" He exploded at her one day, when she came over from her own table, Hufflepuff, and sat directly on his lap during dinner. Everyone in the Great Hall turned to see what was happening, and, more importantly, if a fight would break out.
"But Georgie..."
"NO! Don't call me that! That's not my name! And we are not together-" at this, the slutty whore started to cry, "we never have been! Why are you crying? The are plenty of others who like people like you! What is it with you?!" The blonde stood up, all traces of tears were eradicated from her face.

"Fine." She snarled. With that, she stormed back to her own table, where plenty of boys were being teenage boys - complementing everything about her, desperate to get her to be their girlfriend, in order to use her - whether for there own desires, or to make another girl jealous that they were going out with a slut, it didn't matter. Not ten minutes later, when the usual sounds of chatter were restored - mostly about the event they had just witnessed - Francessca Vance could be seen with several muscular arms wrapped around her, with the skinny tanned arms stretching as far as possible.

Other than that, any couples that had been created during the last game of 'Seven minutes in Heaven' were steady, with nothing happening to create a disturbance, or heart break. In fact, things were going more than steadily. Which is why, the people who were involved in the game were rather jealous of those who were publicly together, all due to a childish, yet typical teenager game. So it was to no surprise that on Thursday night - 6 days after the first game, messages were transferred from one house to another. Through friendships, relationships, and siblings, eventually all the occupants from 3rd year and up had been alerted, and many were eager and excited to go and play. Some, of course, decided they didn't want to participate in this childish, and immature game. Others were completely eager - some looking for a good snog, others hoping to get hooked up.

There were some however, perfectly content with their current girlfriend/boyfriend, and didn't want to play, but were going along anyway - not actually taking part, but going along for the entertainment of watching people be forced into a small space together, for seven minutes, intent on finding out the outcome - whether it be good, or bad, a new couple, or enemies to be forced together. Also, payer another attraction was the refreshments - Fred and George Weasley were going to supply the food and drinks, and usually there was food and both from the House-Elves here at Hogwarts, and a range of food and drink from Hogsmeade. Butterbeer; pumpkin juice; Firewhiskey - you name it. Of course, as they didn't want any issues, the Weasley twins charmed the Firewhiskey so that it could only be consumed by any witch or wizard aged 15 or over - in other words, some from 4th year, and above. Anyone aged 14 or under wouldn't be able to even lift the bottle. If they got someone that was 15 + to! it would turn into Butterbeer in their mouths.

All was set up. The refreshments were on a table, each different kind of food and drink were separated, with little tags, saying what they were. The colours were in the box, with chairs forming a circle around it, each charmed so that only girls could sit on it, and they could not be moved or replaced. However, after so many girls who wanted to participate last time, there was a new item; a big red button. Anyone could press it, and when they did, it would transfigured into an arrow that would spin, and spin, and spin. Whoever it stopped on would be the lucky - or not so lucky - girl who should dip her hand into the box.

Everyone who was participating/present had decided that it was fair, so it stayed. Each boy who was playing was assigned to a colour. A small, red-headed 3rd year girl stepped forth, and pressed the big, red, button. It turned into an arrow, and spun around, as the tiny child scurried back to her chair. At long last, it stopped. It was pointing to...

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